AgEBB-MU CAFNR Extension
Weather and Climate Resources
Pat Guinan ( )
Extension/State Climatologist

Missouri Mesonet
A University of Missouri Extension network of three dozen automated weather stations in Missouri providing historical and real-time weather conditions, including air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, solar radiation and soil temperature. Supplemental monitoring at some of the stations includes barometric pressure, fuel moisture, leaf wetness and temperature inversion information.
- Real-time weather maps:
- Real-time weather stations:
- Historical Weather data:
Missouri Climate Center
The Missouri Climate Center has been recognized as an official American Association of State Climatologists Recognized State Climate Office (ARSCO) in the National Climate Services Partnership. One or more of the following activities and services are provided by the state climate office:
- Coordinate and collect weather observations for the purpose of climate monitoring
- Summarize and disseminate weather and climate information to the user community
- Demonstrate to the user community the value of climate information in the decision making process
- Perform climate impact assessments and weather event evaluations
- Conduct climate research, diagnosis, and projections
- Missouri Climate Center
- American Association of State Climatologists (AASC) State Climate Offices
Missouri Frost \ Freeze Probabilities Guide
A University of Missouri Extension resource that provides frost/freeze probabilities for several low temperature thresholds. Tables, contour maps and point specific maps are provided.
Missouri Agricultural Weather from Agricultural Electronic Bulletin Board
Horizon Point
Horizon Point is a free custom weather analysis system for Missouri farmers provided through University of Missouri Extension. It provides farmers with the opportunity to have site specific weather reports sent directly to their e-mail address.
- Horizon Point Information
- Horizon Point Registration
- Horizon Point Crop Water Use App
Design Storm Alert System (DSAS)
The DSAS is a web-based monitoring system tracking precipitation accumulation across Missouri. DSAS is updated daily and reports which counties have met or exceeded various design storm criteria. A design storm is the amount of rain for which a structure was designed. The current DSAS is focused on managing open/uncovered storages used for manure and domestic wastewater.
CoCoRaHS - Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, & Snow Network
These two web links will display forecast maps, every 3-hours out to 7 days, of user selected weather variables.
- CoCoRaHS
- CoCoRaHS Condition Monitoring Reports
During unusually dry or wet periods, a CoCoRaHS observer has an opportunity to submit reports that will help assess and document conditions in their area.
Useful to Usable (U2U) Decision Dashboard
An array of decision support tools (DSTs) funded by the USDA and developed by a team of over 50 faculty, staff and students from 9 Midwestern universities. DSTs include AgClimate View, CornGDD, Climate Patterns Viewer, Corn Split N and Probable Fieldwork Days.
Real Time Weather Radar
The latest radar image of the United States and Missouri in addition to loop capability.
- Intellicast National Radar
- Intellicast Missouri Radar
- Intellicast Missouri Radar Loop
- National Weather Service Doppler Radar Network
National Digital Forecast Database
These two web links will display forecast maps, every 3-hours out to 7 days, of user selected weather variables.
- For Missouri:
- for Continental United States:
National Weather Service Safety Tips
National Weather Service
Obtain weather and climate information from your local National Weather Service office. Once you go to the main National Weather Service web site, refer to the map and click on your region. You will then be linked to your local National Weather Service web site.
NWS Precipitation Analysis
These pages graphically show the short term observed and climatic trends of precipitation across the lower 48 United States and Puerto Rico.
NOAA Precipitation Frequency Data Server (PFDS)
The Precipitation Frequency Data Server (PFDS) is a point-and-click interface developed to deliver NOAA Atlas 14 precipitation frequency estimates and associated information.
Climate Prediction Center (CPC)
Products include 6-10 day forecasts, monthly and seasonal outlooks, soil moisture conditions, El Nino and La Nina advisories, hurricane forecasts etc...
- CPC 6-10 day and 8-14 day searchable archive since December 2001:
- CPC monthly and seasonal forecast archive since October 1995:
- CPC Soil Moisture:
Regional Climate Centers and the Midwestern Regional Climate Center (MRCC)
The Midwestern Climate Center is one of 6 regional climate centers in the United States. It is a cooperative program of the National Climatic Data Center, U.S. National Weather Service, State Climate Offices and the Illinois State Water Survey in Champaign, IL offering a variety of climate products and services.
- Regional Climate Centers
- MRCC cli-MATE online data portal
You can retrieve historical hourly, daily and monthly data through the Midwestern Regional Climate Center's cli-MATE database. But, you first need to register for a free account in order to gain access to the information. Click on the "Register Here" button (upper right portion of your screen when you visit the link, below.
- MRCC Regional Mesonets and Partners Project
A multi-state collaboration, hosted by the MRCC, of sharing weather data from state mesonets and other operational networks. Soil temperature and potential evapotranspiration maps are some of the available products from this partnership.
- MRCC Vegetation Impact Program (VIP)
Hosted by MRCC, the VIP integrates online climate monitoring information, weather and climate outlooks, and stakeholder input to provide a suite of resources that can help minimize negative vegetation impacts, mitigate climate variability effects, and develop adaptation plans to better prepare for extreme and ever-changing environmental conditions.
Western Regional Climate Center's U.S.A. State and Divisional Climate Data
This site contains easy access to historical monthly temperature and precipitation data from 1895 to current. The data are compiled by climate division and state.
National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
NCEI is a part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and is the repository for the United States climate records.
- Compilation Link to Numerous NCEI Resources
- NCEI Quick Links
- NCEI List for the NWS
- Climate Monitoring
- Climate At A Glance
- State Annual and Seasonal Time Series (Max Temp, Min Temp and Mean Temp from 1895-current)
- Direct access to Local Climatological Data publication
- NWS Cooperative Weather Station Reports
- Comparative Data Publication
- U.S. Temperature and Precipitation Streaks
This PDF document provides a monthly and annual climatology for numerous environmental variables from several locations in the United States including: extreme temperatures, mean no. of days with minimum temp 32°F or less, mean no. of days with precipitation =0.01", average snowfall, average wind speed, maximum wind speed, percentage of possible sunshine, mean number of clear, partly cloudy and cloudy days, average relative humidity in the morning and afternoon, normal daily max, min and mean temp, normal heating and cooling degree days, and normal precipitation.
Generate a map and data table of either weather streaks on a given day or all-time longest streaks.
USDA Regional Climate Hubs
Landscape Conservation Cooperatives
Climate Science Centers
Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program (SCIPP)
- SCIPP Data Tools
- SCIPP Historical Climate Trends Tool
Storm Prediction Center (SPC)
SPC monitors and forecasts severe and non-severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and other hazardous weather.
Storm Event Data Base from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)
All notable and severe weather events in the U.S. from 1993 - current. Find storms recorded in your county. Pre-1993 data includes: Tornadoes 1950-1992, Thunderstorm Winds 1959-1992 and Hail 1959-1992.
U.S. Storm Reports over the Past 24 Hours from Weather Underground
Storm reports, by county, over the past 24 hours including tornado, flood, hail, wind damage lightning, heavy snow, deaths, injuries and other.
Real-Time Weather Data for Meteorologists
This site has a nice compilation of weather resources including satellite images and loops.
The Joint Agricultural Weather Facility
The Joint Agricultural Weather Facility (JAWF) is jointly operated by the World Agricultural Outlook Board of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce. This web page contains national and international agricultural weather information in addition to other agricultural weather links.
Missouri Agricultural Statistics Service (MASS)
MASS is a cooperative service of USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service, University of Missouri, and the Missouri Department of Agriculture. The MASS publishes current and historic statistics concerning agriculture and weather in Missouri.Drought
- National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC)
The NDMC helps people and institutions develop and implement measures to reduce societal vulnerability to drought.
- U.S. Drought Monitor Map
A collaborative effort among various agencies to depict weekly drought conditions across the U.S.
- U.S. Drought Impact Reporter
The NDMC Drought Impact Reporter is intended to be the initial step in creating a comprehensive database. The principal goal of the Drought Impact Reporter is to collect, quantify, and map reported drought impacts for the United States and provide access to the reports through interactive search tools.
- Drought Impact Reporter Survey
Report drought-related conditions and impacts within the U.S. This is a nation-wide service provided by the National Drought Mitigation Center, based at the University of Nebraska, in partnership with the National Integrated Drought Information System.
- Drought Conditions and Impacts Map
All U.S. drought-related conditions and impacts submitted using the reporter survey will be displayed on this map. This is a nation-wide service provided by the National Drought Mitigation Center, based at the University of Nebraska, in partnership with the National Integrated Drought Information System.
River Information Resources for Missouri
Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset, Eclipses
U.S. Air Quality - The Smog Blog
USAQ is a daily diary of air quality in the U.S. prepared using information from satellites, ground-based measurements, and models. Interpretation and analysis are provided by the staff of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Atmospheric Lidar Group.
Get the latest information on upcoming meteor showers, auroras, eclipses, and other celestial delights
Climate Change
The latest information on climate change and research products.
- U.S. Global Change Research Program:
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- National Centers for Environmental Information State Climate Summaries:
- NASA Global Climate Change:
- US EPA Climate Change:
- Real Climate:
United States Monthly Climate Normals (1981-2010)
Obtain the latest monthly temperature and precipitation normals for hundreds of locations across the United States:
Radar and Satellite Image Archives
You can obtain historical weather images including radar and satellites loops for any day you choose beginning 1996.
Current Climate Summary Maps
This web site provides national and regional maps of average temperatures, accumulated precipitation, departures from normal and percentages of normal over numerous time periods ranging from 1 week to 3 years.
Quantitative Precipitation and Winter Weather Forecasts
Quantitative precipitation forecasts for the U.S. are giving for 1,2,3, 5 and 7 days in a contour map format.
- 1-7 Day Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts:
- Winter Weather Forecasts:
International Weather
- Regional climate maps for the world containing weekly, monthly, and 90-day historical summaries for total precipitation (millimeters), average max/min temperature (°C), percent of normal precipitation, and temperature anomaly.
- International Agricultural Weather Summary. This is pdf summary of weekly weather and crop conditions throughout the world. Updated every Wednesday at 5 p.m. central time.
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