AgEBB-MU CAFNR Extension

Spring 2020
Volume 24, Number 2
- Participatory Chestnut Breeding: Creating a Participant Network to
Characterize Genetic Diversity and Grow the Midwest Chestnut Industry
- Ceasing the Sale of Invasive Plants: New Initiative Aims to
Stop Invasive Plant Problems Before they Start
- Species Spotlight: Serviceberry (Amelanchier spp.)
- Hosts with the Most
- Plant an Oak! (But not a Pin Oak)
- A Step-by-Step Guide to Tree Planting
- Timber Price Speculations amid COVID-19
- The Bid Box
- Want to save your ash tree from EAB?
- Editorial Board and Contributors
- Contact Green Horizons
- Calendar of Events
- Green Horizons (PDF Version)
Editors: Mike Gold, Hank Stelzer, Hannah Hemmelgarn, and Raelin Kronenberg
Characterize Genetic Diversity and Grow the Midwest Chestnut Industry
Stop Invasive Plant Problems Before they Start