Commercial Agriculture Automated Weather Station Network Daily Weather Report Station: Dunklin County, Rhodes Memorial Research Farm (1.5 miles north of Clarkton, MO) 3/2/2025 Max. Temp. = 45.8 deg. F Min. Temp. = 26.6 deg. F Avg. Temp. = 36.6 deg. F Max. Wind = 17.2 mi/hr Time of Max Wind = 1154 CST Avg. Wind = 3.1 mi/hr Max. RH = 85.9 % Time of Max. RH = 700 CST Min. RH = 33.3 % Time of Min. RH = 1600 CST Max. Bare Soil Temp. at 2 in. = 48.4 deg. F Time of Max. Bare Soil Temp. = 1700 CST Min. Bare Soil Temp. at 2 in. = 35.5 deg. F Time of Min. Bare Soil Temp. = 900 CST Avg. Vapor Press. = 0.4 mb Avg. Vapor Press. Def. = 0.3 mb Precip. = 0.00 in Radiation = 18.06 MJoules/sq. meter Potential Evapotranspiration = 0.10 inches Growing Degree Days (45 F) = 0.0 Growing Degree Days (50 F) = 0.0 Growing Degree Days (55 F) = 0.0 Growing Degree Days (60 F) = 0.0 Heating Degree Days (65 F) = 28.4 Cooling Degree Days (65 F) = 0.0 Minimum Wind Chill Index (F) = 25.6 Maximum Livestock Heat Stress Index = 50 Definition of Categories... HTI < 75 ... No Stress HTI = 75 to 78 ... Alert HTI = 79 to 83 ... Dangerous HTI = > 83 ... Emergency