Missouri Weather Stations

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                          Definition of terms used in
                 Daily Weather Report and Hourly Weather Data

Max - refers to the highest value reported in the 24 hour period

Min - refers to the lowest value report in a 24 hours period

Avg - average value for the time period (hour, day)

Temp - temperature

Wind - speed of wind

Wind Dir -  Wind direction in degrees (45 northeast, 90 east, 180 south, 270

RH or Rel Hum - relative humidity

Bare soil - a fallow seedbed

Corn residue soil - a soil surface covered with decaying corn stalks

Wheat residue soil - a soil surface covered with decaying wheat straw

vapor press - the pressure exerted by the water vapor in the air

Precip - amount of rain or melted snow or ice

Solar Rad - The total amount of energy received from the sun during the
            daylight period for the day.

Potential evapotranspiration (PET) - a calculated value of the maximum daily
      evaporation and transpiration, i.e. water loss from a surface.  It is
      expressed in term of the equivalent depth of water (inches).

Growing degree days (GDD) - A calculated index related to the rate of
      development of a plant.  The daily value is equal to the average
      temperature for the day minus the minimum temperature for a particular
      crop.  The minimum temperatures used are 45, 50 and 55 degrees

Heating degree days (HDD) - A calculated index to the demand for heat in a
      residence during the heating season.  It is equal to the 65 degrees
      Fahrenheit minus the average temperature for the day.

Cooling degree days (CDD) - A calculated index to the demand for cooling in a
      residence during the warm season.  It is equal to the average
      temperature for the day minus 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Livestock Heat Stress (HTI) - An index related to the heat stress on an animal
      in terms of categories ranging from an "alert" to "emergency"

MM - missing value due to transmission or instrument error.

                       Calculated Weather Indices and
                  Accumulated Weather Summaries, Year to Date

Acc refers to the total accumulation of values for the past seven days.

Other terms and abbreviations are defined in Definition of Terms used in Daily
Weather Report and Hourly Weather Data.

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