Commercial Agriculture Automated Weather Station Network
Seven Day Reported Weather Indices
Station:  Audrain County, 6 miles northwest of Auxvasse
Year = 2024

              ACC           ACC             ACC             ACC            ACC
       PET    PET  GDD45   GDD45   GDD50   GDD50   GDD55   GDD55   GDD60  GDD60
DATE   IN.    IN.
12 14  0.00   0.22   0.0   5068.8    0.0   3965.7    0.0   2925.6    0.0  1967.7
12 15  0.04   0.21   0.6   5068.8    0.0   3965.7    0.0   2925.6    0.0  1967.7
12 16  0.07   0.26   4.4   5068.8    0.0   3965.7    0.0   2925.6    0.0  1967.7
12 17  0.04   0.25   0.0   5068.8    0.0   3965.7    0.0   2925.6    0.0  1967.7
12 18  0.02   0.23   0.0   5068.8    0.0   3965.7    0.0   2925.6    0.0  1967.7
12 19  0.05   0.25   0.0   5068.8    0.0   3965.7    0.0   2925.6    0.0  1967.7
12 20  0.02   0.24   0.0   5068.8    0.0   3965.7    0.0   2925.6    0.0  1967.7

                ACC            ACC
DATE  HDD65    HDD65   CDD65  CDD65
12 14   24.3   1225.6    0.0  1133.8
12 15   19.4   1245.0    0.0  1133.8
12 16   15.6   1260.6    0.0  1133.8
12 17   21.0   1281.6    0.0  1133.8
12 18   28.1   1309.7    0.0  1133.8
12 19   28.1   1337.8    0.0  1133.8
12 20   39.2   1377.0    0.0  1133.8

ACC PET values accumulate for one week prior to the date listed.
ACC HDD values accumulate for one year beginning July 1.
ACC CDD values accumulate for one year beginning January 1.
ACC GDD values accumulate from March 1 through October 31.

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