Sunrise: 7:10 am
Sunset: 7:36 pm
Updated every 5 minutes
March 27, 2025, 6:45 pm CDT
Current Conditions: |
Temperature: |
75.3°F |
Dewpoint: |
49.7°F |
Humidity: |
41% |
Wind Speed: |
7.4 mph |
Peak Wind Gust: |
10.0 mph |
Wind Direction: |
S |
Baro. Pressure: |
29.94 in.
Fuel Temp.: |
75.8°F |
Fuel Moisture: |
6% |
Soil Temp.
2 in. Bare:
4 in. Bare: |
64.6°F 60.9°F |
† |
Yesterday: |
Max. Temp.:
80.6°F 2:44 pm |
4:22 pm |
Min. Temp.:
Time: |
53.4°F 6:31 am |
5:54 am |
(Ice or snow not recorded) |
0.00 in. |
0.00 in. |
Peak Wind Gust:
Time: |
32.9 mph 2:59 pm |
20.0 mph
10:37 am |
Estimated ET:
(short crop) |
0.18 in. |
† Since midnight. |
NWS - Missouri Radar
Lamar Weather Data Archive
Real-time weather at Lamar is made possible through support from:
Barton County Electric Cooperative
MFA Oil Company
Missouri Climate Center
University of Missouri School of Natural Resources
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be liable for any incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages
(including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, and the
like) arising out of the use, misuse or inability to use real-time weather
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