Missouri Timber Price Trends
October - December 2013

Marketing Strategies for Long Term Timber Investments- a Missouri Wood Brand

By: Terry Truttmann

green line

Forest owners and industry look at timber price trends just as Wall Street investors look at the stock markets. Markets for forest products are now based on more than just price, at least on the international playing field.

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC), Forestry Division has established goals to work closely with the forest industry, loggers and landowners. These goals highlight the social, economic and environmental advantages of forest management. The goals recognize that without a strong forest products industry, proper management and retention of our forest resources lose both their value and interest to Missouri landowners.

With a focus on these goals, a marketing strategy and Missouri Wood brand development initiative has been started by MDC. If Missouri is going to stay competitive with other states and countries for domestic and global forest products, long term buying trends and market concerns need to be addressed. Global markets are asking more than what is the price per board foot. The quality of our wood products has long been established. New concerns being dictated by markets include is the timber legally harvested, does management insure the long term product sustainability, and is the forest resource being properly cared for.

The entire chain from Missouri's citizens and consumers through the saw mill, logger, forester and landowners, demonstrate that the care and guardianship of Missouri's forest resources is important to them and now a part of the cost of forest products. The Missouri Wood brand will include a marketing strategy to look at long term trends and answer consumer questions that are now part of forest products. This brand will look for ways to expand market opportunities and highlight Missouri forest products.

Growing quality, responsible and reliable forest products in Missouri will maintain strong markets. Strong markets will result in forest resources that are valued and managed while providing social, economic and environmental assets to all Missourians for future generations. Missouri's forest resource helped build the state. Today our forestry resource continues to provide many benefits including quality wood products. The Missouri Wood brand will help to insure that our forest resources are maintained and improved over time. Missouri's forests endured the necessities of yesterday, can meet the demands of today and grow the needs of tomorrow.

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