Missouri Timber Price Trends
July - September, 2008

Statewide Stumpage Prices

green line

                      High     Low      Avg.   Last Qtr.   Last Yr.     Volume       # of Rpts.
                          (All prices shown as $ per MBF, International Scale)                 
Walnut, Black      $2,150    $2,150  $2,150     $1,565     $2,850           2   Int. - MBF    1
White oak (group)  $2,085     $835   $1,475       $665        -            20   Int. - MBF    4

Hard Maple           $450     $335     $345        $50       $170           1	Int. - MBF    2
Hickory              $250     $100     $130       $105       $150         130	Int. - MBF    5
Mixed Hardwoods      $185      $50     $165       $160        $75         423	Int. - MBF    6
Oak (mixed species)  $290      $60     $115       $125       $150         760	Int. - MBF    6
Post Oak             $110      $70     $105       $145       $150         141	Int. - MBF    3
Red oak (group)      $485      $50     $105       $135       $215       1,716	Int. - MBF    8
Walnut, Black        $460     $375     $430       $415       $710           7	Int. - MBF    2
White oak (group)    $335      $80     $115        $85       $300         919	Int. - MBF    6

Stave Logs
White oak (group)    $515     $500     $505       $150       $315          14   Int. - MBF    2

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