Missouri Timber Price Trends
January - March, 2007

News from Missouri

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Currently Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) foresters are visiting sawmills in Missouri to find out how much timber is being cut on an annual bases. MDC foresters are about 50% done with the Timber Product Output survey and have received good cooperation from mill owners. I really appreciate the mills that have provided this information.

I have been to 25 Missouri sawmills this past quarter. All of these mills seemed concerned about the slumping red oak prices. The railroad tie buying yard that I had a chance to talk too seemed optimistic about the tie markets. Right now a 7" x 9" tie is bringing about $21.50.

I have been getting a few calls from brokers wanting to buy black walnut. These brokers want to purchase walnut for the Chinese market. From talking to mill owners and foresters and observing the price reports, walnut is selling for a high price which is creating a major demand for standing timber.

The hot topic in the state right now is woody biomass. Currently there is legislation in the General Assembly that has been proposed that would make it possible for cellulosic ethanol plants to receive the incentives that corn ethanol plants are getting. This legislation would allow incentives to be paid to New Generations Coops. A New Generation Coop must be 51% producer-owned in order to qualify for the incentives. If a cellulosic ethanol plant does come to Missouri it would provide a market for small diameter wood and would enhance the markets for waste wood products. The issue that most concerns me is that the wood is harvested in a sustainable manner.

Remember to give me a call if you have ideas on how to enhance the forest products program. If you know of a project or have an idea that could provide a market to the forest products industry give me a call. If looking for a buyer for your standing timber either give me a call or call your local forester. John Tuttle (573) 522-4115, extension 3304.

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