Missouri Timber Price Trends
October - December, 2006

News from Missouri's Neighbors

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Nebraska reports that demand for White Oak is still running high, due in large part to brisk offshore activity­. Log deck information is somewhat varied, though few sawmills report losing production to a lack of logs.

In Tennessee, the wet fall had many mills wondering about the winter and log supply. Many are low on inventory for this time of year, when the yards should be nearly full going into the wet winter weather. Log prices are mixed this quarter as some mills have raised prices to encourage log flow and others reduced log prices to respond to the lower lumber markets. The prices on a number of species are now more in line with each of the regions across the state. Red oak and the maples have filled the pipeline while white oak, walnut, flooring oak and railroad ties continue to be in demand.

TimberMart South relates that South-wide average stumpage prices decreased in the 3rd Quarter for all five major timber products. Sawtimber markets softened. Prices were lower compared to both the previous quarter and the 3rd Quarter 2005. Pulpwood markets remained weak. Hardwood prices also fell. The mixed hardwood sawtimber average average was the lowest since the 2nd Quarter of 2004. Hardwood pulpwood was down more than 25 percent since the same period one year ago, and hit the lowest level since 3rd Quarter 2002.

Sources: Nebraska Timber Talk, Tennessee Forest Products Bulletin, Timber Mart South.

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