Missouri Timber Price Trends
July - September 2006
Housing and Timber
The Seattle Times reports that the cooling housing market is sawing
into lumber prices. Industry data firm Random Lengths reported late
Friday that its framing-lumber composite index fell to $301 per
thousand board feet for the week, off more than $100 from $403 a year
earlier and down from $305 in the prior week. The structural-panel
composite index, representing prices for plywood and oriented strand
board (OSB), suffered a steeper decline, falling to $274 per thousand
square feet, off from $499 a year ago and $298 a week earlier. The
indexes have been in decline since about the fourth quarter of 2005,
but the downturn has become steeper in the past couple of months. With
current prices close to production costs for many sawmills and plywood
manufacturing plants, the magnitude of the price drop has surprised
many industry analysts.
The rapid pace of the decline in wood-products prices could add an
element of adventure for investors this month when forest-product
companies begin reporting third-quarter earnings and their outlooks
for the fourth quarter.
Sources: 1) The Seattle Times, Random Lengths
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