Missouri Timber Price Trends
April - June 2006

Central Stumpage Prices

green line

(Doyle Scale)

                    High        Low       Avg.       Last        Last         Volume      # of 
                    Price       Price     Price      Quarter     Year                      Rpts.
Hickory               $90         $90        $90        $100        $105        6 Int.- MBF    2
Mixed Hardwoods       $90         $90        $90         -          $60         4 Int.- MBF    1
Post Oak              $90         $90        $90        $100         -         12 Int.- MBF    1
Red oak (group)       $90         $90        $90        $100        $185       75 Int.- MBF    2
White oak (group)     $90         $90        $90        $115        $155       60 Int.- MBF    1

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