Missouri Timber Price Trends
Jan. - March 2006

Central Stumpage Prices

green line

                    High        Low       Avg.       Last        Last         Volume      # of
                    Price       Price     Price      Quarter     Year                     Rpts.

Walnut, Black       $3750        $750      $1855       $1990       $1515       33 Int.- MBF    9
White oak (group)   $ 340        $340       $340         -         $ 560       36 Int.- MBF    1

Ash                  $ 75        $ 70       $ 70         $85         $65        6 Int.- MBF    2
Cherry               $ 35        $ 35        $35          -           -        11 Int.- MBF    1
Cottonwood           $ 25         $25        $25         $75         $45        8 Int.- MBF    1
Hackberry            $ 75        $ 70        $70          -          $85       84 Int.- MBF    2
Oak (mixed species)  $210        $210       $210         $85          -        59 Int.- MBF    1
Red Oak (Group)      $340        $340       $340        $105        $160        - Int.- MBF    1
Soft Maple           $185        $185       $185        $115         $95       17 Int.- MBF    1
Sycamore             $ 20         $20        $20         $95          -         1 Int.- MBF    1
Walnut, Black        $625        $415       $495        $765        $455       47 Int.- MBF    5
White oak (group)    $190        $190       $190        $170        $150        6 Int.- MBF    2

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