Grower Polices and Procedures

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  1. The grower must register at the office for a grower's number to identify products they are selling. This will be your permanent number as long as it remains active. To register, give name, address, and telephone number.
  2. The growers' number is to be placed on a ticket along with the quantity and commodity to be sold. Attach tickets to carts with commodities to be sold.
  3. The grower is responsible for unloading, stacking, and labeling their produce and placing it in the proper sections (see # 7- Lots).
  4. The grower is responsible for the proper grading and packaging of their produce to the standards of CENTRAL MISSOURI PRODUCE AUCTION INC. Please see the packaging and grading guide enclosed. New and used boxes are available at the auction.
  5. CENTRAL MISSOURI PRODUCE AUCTION INC reserves the right to refuse to sell any produce not properly packaged and inferior or poor quality.
  6. A commission rate of 9% is charged to support the auction.
  7. Lots - To qualify for the large lot section, produce needs to be uniformly packed in approved packaging consisting of 3 boxes or more of one grade. Also, at least 25 cantaloupes or 15 or more watermelons or pumpkins. Any amount less than the above needs to be placed in the small lot section.
  8. Payment discrepancies - Once you have received your check, you should go over the receipts to check for errors. Remember, everyone makes an error, some are in your favor and some are not, please report both as soon as possible.
  9. Liability of property - CMPA accepts no liability for the safe keeping of produce or other property left at the auction. CMPA accepts no liability for any damage to produce or property in loading or unloading of produce. After produce is sold it becomes the buyer's responsibility. CMPA is not responsible for misplaced or stolen produce.
  10. Although produce is accepted while the auction is in progress, growers are urged to bring their produce early so that buyers have more chances to look it over. This also avoids jam-ups at auction time.
  11. Shipped produce - Produce not grown by seller or produce raised a distance of 100 miles or more from the auction site is considered as shipped produce. Shipped produce is sold with prior arrangement and sold separate from local at the end of its class (large lot, small lot section). Also, such produce needs to be stated where it comes from.
  12. Payment - Payment to growers will be made on the first auction day of the week (Mon or Tues) for prior week sales.
  13. Buyer Terms - Open accounts need to be paid before bidding on the next auction. New buyers or problem accounts must pay with cash or approved check before removing produce from the auction. No exceptions.

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