C-Highway Produce Auction

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C-Highway Produce Auction facility near Seymour was built in 2008 for the purpose of selling produce, providing a market for interested growers along with a source of fresh produce. Perishable crops will be picked just hours before the sale.

The auction is directed to wholesale buyers, such as stores, roadside stands, farm markets, etc. But anyone that can use produce in boxes or flats lots for canning, freezing, etc., is welcome to buy. There are always some small lots.

The idea of selling produce at auction was formed by several local growers who realized a need for a central point for growers and buyers to gather. Also, they had observed the huge success of similar auctions among the Mennonite and Amish communties.

Located on:
State Hwy. Short P
Seymour, MO 65746

Auction start at 10:00 a.m.

APRILSales on Fridays and Tuesday 4/30
MAYSales on Tuesdays & Fridays
JUNESales on Tuesdays & Fridays
JULYSales on Tuesdays & Fridays
AUGUSTSales on Tuesdays & Fridays
SEPTEMBERSales on Tuesdays & Fridays
OCTOBERSales on Fridays

The place to Buy Farm Fresh Produce, Bedding Plants, Pumpkins, Fall Decorations, Potted Mums and Natural Grown Produce.

Wholesale Produce

  • Just Picked for Freshness & Flavor
  • Graded & Packed in Standard Containers
  • Selling by Box, Pallet or Bin Lots
  • Bedding Plants & Flowers
  • All Sales Start at 10:00 A.M.
Selling in Season

Strawberries, Tomatoes, Sweet Corn, Cabbage, Eggplants, Green Beans, Zucchini, Potatoes, Onions, Peppers, Cucumbers, Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Pumpkins, Gourds, Ornamental Corn, Potted Mums and Flowers.

Terms and Conditions

  • Sellers that do not grow their own produce or are outside the 50 mile zone need prior approval from the auction board.
  • There is an 11% commission rate
  • There will be packaging restrictions to keep the product as uniform as possible. Ask for our packing and Grading Guide. New and used boxes will be available at the auction.
  • Consigners will be assigned permanent numbers, enabling buyers to buy more consistently.
  • Buyers need to have their sales tax number in our file or pay sales tax.
  • New Boxes Available at Produce Auction
  • Not Responsible for Misplaced Items

For more information, contact:
Manager Sammy J.M. Schwartz
4773 Hazelwood Rd.
Seymour, MO 65746
Steve Cantrell at 417-380-0562

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