By-Product Feed Price Listing
March 20, 2025
1/4" All Stock Pellet | 145 | 12-2 Backgrounding Pellets | No listings currently | 12-3 Forage Extender Pellets 12% prot 3%fat 20% fiber | No listings currently | 13% Pellet (Midds, DDGs, Soyhulls, Oat Hulls) | No listings currently | 14% Beef Performer Pellet w/ VTM | 141 | 14% Blender Pellet (midds/rice grain dust/ddg) | No listings currently | 14% Calf Starter (DDGs, Soyhulls, Ceeal) | No listings currently | 14% Cattle Commodity Feed | 146 | 14% Pellets (midds/soyhulls) | No listings currently | 15-1 Pellet (wht midds/rice hulls/cgf) | No listings currently | 15-4 Pellet (DDGs/cgf/soyhulls) | No listings currently | 17% dehy Alfalfa Meal & Pellets | No listings currently | 18% Pellet (midds, DDGs, soyhulls oat hulls) | No listings currently | 20% Dairy/Beef Cube | No listings currently | 25% Pellet (midds, DDGs, soyhulls, oat hulls) 25% prot 4% fat | No listings currently | 3/4" KT Cattle Cube | 145 | 30% Pellet (DDGs, SBM, Midds) | No listings currently | 34% Protein 14% Fat Milk Powder | 138 | 35% Moisture Gluten | No listings currently | 80% Crude Glycerin | No listings currently | 9% Pellet (soyhulls, midds, grain screenings) | No listings currently | A/V Blend | No listings currently | Alfalfa Pellets | 140 | Alfalfa, Ground | No listings currently | Alfa-Oat Pellets 17% | No listings currently | Almond Meal | 139 | AV Glycerine | No listings currently | Avian Blood Meal 85% prot | No listings currently | Bakery Feed | No listings currently | Bakery Meal | No listings currently | Bakery Meal 27% | No listings currently | Bakery Product | No listings currently | Barley Screenings | No listings currently | Barley, De-Hulled | No listings currently | Barley, Ground | No listings currently | Beef Meat & Bone Meal | No listings currently | Beef or Dairy Pellet 18% | No listings currently | Beef Pellet 14% | 44 | Beef Pellet 15% | No listings currently | Beet Pulp | No listings currently | Beet Pulp Pellets | No listings currently | BioLys | No listings currently | Blender Pellet 18% (Midds, DDGs, SBM) | No listings currently | Blender Pellet 25% Prot 4% Fat (Midds, DDGs, SBM) | No listings currently | Blender Pellet, 14% All Natural | No listings currently | Blender Pellets 10%DDGsHominyOatScreenings | No listings currently | Brewers grain, pressed(73%mstr) | No listings currently | Bulk Cookies | No listings currently | Bulk Loose Hard Candy | No listings currently | Calcium Carbonate, Feed Grade | 146 | Calcium Propionate | 140 | Calf Creep (CG Feed, Midds, Rice Hulls) 14%prot, 2.5%fat, 19%fiber | No listings currently | Calf Creep (Grain BP and Roughage Pellet) | No listings currently | Calf Creep 14% W/vitamin mineral package | No listings currently | Camelina Meal | 139 | Candy/Pasta Blend Prot 6%min Fat 7%min Fiber 10%max Sugar/Starch 30%min | No listings currently | Cane Molasses | No listings currently | Canola Meal | No listings currently | Canola Meal 36% | No listings currently | Canola Meal Pellets | No listings currently | Canola Pellets 38% | No listings currently | Cattle Cubes (Barley/Wheat Midds/DDGs) 16% prot 4% fat | No listings currently | Cattle Cubes (Cottonseed Meal/Wheat Midds) 20% prot | No listings currently | Cattle Pellets | No listings currently | Cattle Pellets (15% protein 3% fat - Gold) | 135 | Cattle Pellets (9% protein 1% fat - Bronze) | 135 | Cattle Pellets (12% protein & with Cattle Active) | 135 | Cattle Pellets (12% protein 3% fat) | No listings currently | Cattle Pellets (14% protein & Calf Creep) | 135 | Cattle Pellets (18% protein 3% fat - Gold) | No listings currently | Cattle Pellets (23% protein) | 135 | Cattle Pellets (Barley/Wheat Midds/DDGs) 16% prot 4% fat | No listings currently | Cattle Pellets 16% Prot, 3% Fat | No listings currently | Cereal Fines | 128 | Cereal food fines | No listings currently | Cereal Tailings | No listings currently | Cereal, ground-dry | No listings currently | Chicken Meal | No listings currently | Choice white grease (fat) | No listings currently | Citrus Pulp Pellets | No listings currently | Coffee Chaff | No listings currently | Commodity Mix 16% | No listings currently | Commodity Mix (soyhull/gluten/DDG pellets) | No listings currently | Commodity Pellet (CG Feed, Midds, Rice Hulls) 12%Prot, 2%fat, 20%fiber | No listings currently | Commodity Pellet (DDG/oat scrn/corn gern/corn stover) | No listings currently | Commodity Pellet (Wheat Midds & Stover) | No listings currently | Commodity Pellet 10% | No listings currently | Commodity Pellet 18% Prot 3% Fat (DDGs/midds) | No listings currently | Commodity Pellet, 12% | No listings currently | Commodity Pellet, 13% | No listings currently | Commodity Pellet, 14% Prot 9% Fat | No listings currently | Commodity Pellet, 15% | No listings currently | Commodity Pellet, wheat midds/corn gluten | No listings currently | Commodity Pellets (DDG/ricehulls/wheatscreenings) | No listings currently | Commodity Pellets 12% Prot 3% Fat (hay/wheat midds/DDG) | No listings currently | Commodity Pellets 8% Prot 2% Fat (hay/wheat midds/DDG) | No listings currently | Cond. Corn Distillers Solubles | No listings currently | Cond. Extr. Glutamic Acid Ferm. | No listings currently | Condensed Distillers Solubles | No listings currently | Cookies, packaged | No listings currently | Corn Bran | No listings currently | Corn Bran, ground | No listings currently | Corn Cob Pellets | No listings currently | Corn Cobs, fine grind | No listings currently | Corn Cobs, whole | No listings currently | Corn Germ | No listings currently | Corn Germ Meal | No listings currently | Corn Germ, Defatted | No listings currently | Corn Gluten Feed | 20 | Corn gluten feed STA MOIST 35% moisture | No listings currently | Corn Gluten Feed, Modified Wet | 146 | Corn Gluten Feed, Pelleted | 20, 44, 133, 137, 142, 146 | Corn Gluten Feed, Wet | 87 | Corn Gluten Meal | 20 | Corn Oil | No listings currently | Corn Protein Feed, pelleted | 31, 35 | Corn Protein Feed, wet | 31 | Corn Protein Meal | 31, 35 | Corn Screenings | 137 | Corn Silage | No listings currently | Corn Starch | No listings currently | Corn Steep/Liquid | No listings currently | Corn Steepwater | No listings currently | Corn Syrup | 44, 87, 133 | Corn, steam-flaked | No listings currently | Cotton Burrs | No listings currently | Cotton Gin Motes (immature cottonseed/fiber) | No listings currently | Cottonseed hull meal | 10 | Cottonseed hull pellets | 10, 20 | Cottonseed hulls | No listings currently | Cottonseed hulls, sacked | 10 | Cottonseed meal | No listings currently | Cottonseed Meal, Extruded/Expelled | No listings currently | Cottonseed Pellets | No listings currently | Cottonseed, Whole | 146 | Cottonseed, Whole, Esi-Flo | No listings currently | Cracked Corn | No listings currently | Creep Feed 14% prot 2% fat 16% fiber (ddg, soyhulls, midds, oat hulls) | No listings currently | Crude Cottonseed Oil, extruded/expelled | 145 | CSM Replacer 41% prot 3% fat | No listings currently | Cube 14% (DDGs, midds, soyhulls, oat hulls) | No listings currently | Cube 20% (midds, DDGs, soyhulls, oat hulls) | No listings currently | Cubes 15% DDGs and Midds | No listings currently | Cubes 32% SBM, DDG and midds | No listings currently | Dairy Pellet 16% prot 3.5% fat (grnd corn, ddg, sbm, soyhulls) | No listings currently | Dairy Powder Analog 18% prot | No listings currently | Dairy/Beef Pellet 20% w/added vit/min pack | No listings currently | DDG Hi Pro 36% | No listings currently | DDG Pellets | 44 | DDG, low protein | No listings currently | Dical 18.5% | 128 | Distillers Grain Pelleted - 5/32" Pellet | 141 | Distillers Grain Pelleted 1/2" Cube | No listings currently | Distillers Grain Pelleted 1/4" POET Pellets | 54 | Distillers Grain Pelleted 3/4" POET Cubes | 54 | Distillers Grain, Dried (DDG) | 20, 23, 44, 54, 87, 125, 132, 133, 137, 146 | Distillers Grain, Modified Wet | 87, 125, 143, 146 | Distillers Grain, Wet | 44, 54, 87, 133, 146 | Distillers Grain, wet, HiPro | No listings currently | Dried Distillers Grains w/Solubles | No listings currently | Dry Gluten Meal | No listings currently | Dry gluten pellets | No listings currently | Energy Pellet 18% DDGs/Hominy/Soy | No listings currently | ExSeed Pro | No listings currently | Feather Meal | No listings currently | Feed Grade White Soluble Potassium Chloride | No listings currently | Fiber Feed Pellet | No listings currently | Fish Meal | 138 | Fish Oil, Menhaden | No listings currently | Fish Oil, VP Gold | No listings currently | Forage Extender Pellet 10% | No listings currently | GEP Pellets | No listings currently | Gin Trash | No listings currently |
| Gluten Cake Cubes | No listings currently | Grain screening pellets | No listings currently | Granulated Salt | 144 | Grass/DDG/Molasses Pellet | No listings currently | Ground Corn | 44 | Ground Corn Cob | 44 | Ground Corn Cobs -40 | No listings currently | Ground Oat Hulls | No listings currently | Ground Oyster Shells | No listings currently | Gum/Candy, packaged | No listings currently | Hi Pro DDG | 138 | High Fat Corn Germ | No listings currently | High Fat Hominy | No listings currently | High Fat Sunflower Meal (27 Pro/9 Fat/25 Fiber) | No listings currently | High Fructose Corn Syrup (24%Sugar as is 37% DM) | No listings currently | Hominy | 20, 44, 133, 134, 142 | Hominy Feed | No listings currently | Hominy Meal | 86 | Hominy Pellets | No listings currently | Hominy, Hi Fat | No listings currently | Hominy, High Fat | No listings currently | Inulin (75% carbs) | No listings currently | Lime | No listings currently | Linseed Meal | No listings currently | Linseed Meal Pellets | No listings currently | Liquid Feed/De-sugard beet molass | No listings currently | LNC Cattle Cube 20% prot 2.5% fat | No listings currently | LNC Extender (blender pellet, 9% prot 1% fat) | No listings currently | LNC Foundation (blender pellet) 16% prot 2% fat | No listings currently | LNC Maxigain (complete feed) 15% prot 3% fat | No listings currently | LNC Rangamax (complete feed) 18% prot 3% fat | No listings currently | Lysine | 138 | Malt Screenings | No listings currently | Malt sprout pellets | No listings currently | Malt Sprouts | No listings currently | Methionine | No listings currently | Midd/Oat Pellets | No listings currently | Midds/Soyhull/Gluten Pellets | No listings currently | Mixed Vegetable Oil | 139 | Modified Wet Gluten | No listings currently | Molasses mixture | No listings currently | Monocal 21 | No listings currently | New Product Syrup | No listings currently | Non-Fat Dry Milk Powder/Feed | No listings currently | Oat Cleanings, unground | No listings currently | Oat Feed, Pelleted | 49 | Oat Feed, Re-ground | No listings currently | Oat Fibers | 129, 139 | Oat Flour | 49 | Oat Groats | No listings currently | Oat Hulls, ground | No listings currently | Oat Meal, Feeding | 49 | Oat Mill Run, Ground | 49 | Oat Pellets 10% | No listings currently | Oat screenings | No listings currently | Oat Screenings, Ground | No listings currently | Oat Screenings, pelleted | No listings currently | Oatmeal Pellets | No listings currently | Oats, light | No listings currently | Oats, steam-rolled | No listings currently | Okara (soy pulp) | No listings currently | Okara (soy pulp) Certified Organic 35% prot 7% fat | No listings currently | Organic Canola Meal | No listings currently | Organic Oat Flour/Flakes | 49 | Oro Brewers Grain | 142 | Oyster Shell | No listings currently | Palm Fat | 138 | Palm Kernel Meal - 17% Protein | No listings currently | Pasta Byproduct | 146 | Pea Hulls | No listings currently | Pea Screenings | No listings currently | Peanut Bran, Full-Fat, 20% prot 22% fat | No listings currently | Peanut Butter Feed | No listings currently | Peanut Hearts/Skins | No listings currently | Peanut Hull Granules | No listings currently | Peanut Hull Pellets | 44 | Peanut Hull/Skin Pellet | 121 | Peanut Hulls, Ground | 44, 121, 133 | Peanut Pellet Screenings | 121 | Peanut Skins | No listings currently | Pork blood meal | No listings currently | Pork meat and bone meal | No listings currently | Poultry By Meal 45% prot | No listings currently | Poultry Meal - 60% Protein | No listings currently | Premium Meal | No listings currently | Pressed Brewers Grain | 142 | Protein Fiber Pellets | No listings currently | Protein Pellet (16%) | No listings currently | Protein Tubs 27% prot 8% fat all natural (cotton cake base) | No listings currently | Rapeseed Meal Pellets | No listings currently | Red Dog | No listings currently | Refined Soy Oil | No listings currently | Rice Bran | 128 | Rice Bran Pellets | No listings currently | Rice Bran, Defat | No listings currently | Rice Hulls | No listings currently | Rice Hulls, Ground | 133 | Rice Meal | No listings currently | Rice Mill Feed | No listings currently | Rolled Corn | 146 | Roughage Extender Pellets | No listings currently | Roughage Pellet | No listings currently | Roughage Pellet (DDG/corn cobs) | No listings currently | Roughage pellet (stover/wheat midds/oat scrnings/steep) | No listings currently | Ruminant Blood Meal | No listings currently | Ruminant Bone Meal | No listings currently | Ruminant Meat and Bone Meal | No listings currently | Salt, bulk | 132 | Salvage DDG | No listings currently | Salvage Gluten | 143 | SBM 46% | No listings currently | SBM 47 | No listings currently | SBM 48 | 41 | SBM, expelled | No listings currently | SBM, old processed 42% | No listings currently | Sheep and Goat Pellets (14% protein, 1/4 inch pellet) | 135 | Shrimp Meal | No listings currently | Soy Cakes (DM 80.34%,Prot 27.26%, Fat 9.74%) | 119 | Soy Fiber Pellet 11% | No listings currently | Soy Hulls | 132, 136 | Soy Hulls, Ground | 44 | Soy Hulls, Loose | No listings currently | Soy Hulls, Pelleted | 20, 41, 44, 87, 132, 133, 137, 142, 146 | Soy Meal, Hi-Pro | No listings currently | Soybean Meal | 146 | Soybean Meal, Extruded | No listings currently | Soybean Oil, Crude | 139 | Soybean Oil, Crude Degummed | No listings currently | Soybean Screenings | No listings currently | Soybeans, Extruded/Expelled (Candi-Soy) | No listings currently | Soybeans, Roasted | No listings currently | Soyplus | No listings currently | Steep Water | No listings currently | Steep,CCDS,CornSyr,VegOilMix | No listings currently | Steep/Molass/CCDS&VegOilMix | No listings currently | Steep/Molass/CCDS&VegOilMix | No listings currently | Sunflower Meal | No listings currently | Sunflower Meal 35% | No listings currently | Sunflower Meal Pellets | No listings currently | Sunflower Meal, Extruded/Expelled | No listings currently | Sunflower Pellets 35% | No listings currently | Sunflower Screenings | No listings currently | Sunflower Seed Pellets | No listings currently | Sweet Corn Residue | No listings currently | Sweet Corn Silage | No listings currently | Threonine | No listings currently | Tryptophan | No listings currently | Tub Ground Cobs | No listings currently | Veg Interphase | No listings currently | Vegetable Oil 30% crude fat | No listings currently | Vegetable Oil 90% crude fat | No listings currently | Vegetable Oil, Hydrolyzed | No listings currently | Walnut Meal | 139 | Walnut Screenings | No listings currently | Wet Bran 45-50% Moisture | No listings currently | Wet Gluten | 44 | Wheat Bran | No listings currently | Wheat Flakes | No listings currently | Wheat Flour, feed grade | No listings currently | Wheat Germ, defatted | No listings currently | Wheat Midds | 5 | Wheat Midds, Loose | 146 | Wheat Midds, Pelleted | 5, 20, 146 | Whey Permeate | No listings currently | Whey Protein Concentrate | No listings currently | Whey, Spray Dried | No listings currently | White Milo | No listings currently | Whole Fuzzy Cottonseed | No listings currently | Whole Oat Hulls | 129 | Whole Roasted Soybeans | No listings currently | Yellow Grease | No listings currently | Yellow Peas, Whole | No listings currently |
Company Name & Address |
Feed |
Price/Ton |
Price Quote Notes |
5 ADM 540 South St, Lincoln, NE 68502 , Cole- St.Louis & Keokuk, MO / Kelly- Ark City, KS ADM Office: 217-424-5200 / 866-268-6196 Cole: 217 859 3776 / Kelly: 507-469-1139 Cole.Klendworth@adm.com / Kelly.Kohlmeier@adm.com |
| | 11/4/2021 |
Wheat Midds | call | FOB Arkansas City KS, loose, spot |
Wheat Midds | out | FOB Carthage MO, loose, spot
($230: Nov-Dec, $230: JFM, $180: AMJ) |
Wheat Midds | out | FOB St. Louis MO, loose, spot
($205: Nov-Dec, $210: JFM, $175: AMJ) |
Wheat Midds, Pelleted | call | FOB Arkansas City KS, spot |
10 CyberAg Feed Co., Inc. Box 12707 N. Kansas City, MO 64116 Ann Shippee 816-908-1803 ann.cyberag@gmail.com |
| | 4/11/2024 |
Cottonseed hull meal | out | |
Cottonseed hull pellets | $375.00 | FOB |
Cottonseed hulls, sacked | $465.00 | FOB |
15 Livestock Nutrition Center - LNC 200 West 11th Ave. N. Kansas City, MO 64116 Courtney Williams Office: 816-842-6099 cwilliams@lnc-online.com |
* There are no listings for this company at this time |
20 LPC - Lackawanna Products Corp 8545 Main St. Williamsville, NY 14221 Jay Winzenried Phone: 716-633-1940, Ext. 374 Mobile: 716-857-0478 jwinzenried@lpctrade.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Corn Gluten Feed | $198.00 | Loose, spot
*subject to change on values |
Corn Gluten Feed, Pelleted | $213.00 | FOB Springfield, MO
*subject to change on values |
Corn Gluten Meal | call | 60% product |
Cottonseed hull pellets | call | *subject to change on values |
Distillers Grain, Dried (DDG) | call | FOB Springfield, MO
*subject to change on values |
Hominy | call | *subject to change on values |
Soy Hulls, Pelleted | call | FOB Mt. Vernon, IN, spot, (loose- please call)
*subject to change on values |
Wheat Midds, Pelleted | call | FOB St Louis, IL, (loose- please call)
*subject to change on values |
23 MGP Ingredients 1300 Main St. Atchison, KS 66002 Phil Intfen 913-360-5253 1-800-255-0302 X5253 phil.intfen@mgpingredients.com |
| | 12/3/2020 |
Distillers Grain, Dried (DDG) | out | FOB Atchison, KS |
31 Roquette America 1 Progress St. Keokuk, IA 52632 John Mickelson 1-800-553-7080
| | 3/20/2025 |
Corn Protein Feed, pelleted | out | FOB Keokuk, IA |
Corn Protein Feed, wet | $60.00 | FOB Keokuk, IA |
Corn Protein Meal | $500.00 | FOB Keokuk, IA |
35 Key Ingredients, Inc. (Corn Protein) 1115 Vicksburg Lane - Ste 19 Plymouth, MN 55447 Randy Betcher (763) 476-5957 Randy@KeyIngredients.us |
| | 3/13/2025 |
Corn Protein Feed, pelleted | $152.50 | FOB IA plants, $150-155 |
Corn Protein Feed, pelleted | $145.00 | FOB IL plants |
Corn Protein Feed, pelleted | $195.00 | FOB S MO, $185-205, call for specific locations |
Corn Protein Feed, pelleted | $177.50 | FOB S WI, $170-185, call for specific locations |
Corn Protein Meal | out | FOB Chicago IL (60%) rail |
Corn Protein Meal | $500.00 | FOB IA plants (60%) |
Corn Protein Meal | $520.00 | FOB IL plants |
41 Consolidated Grain and Barge Soybean Processing Division 2781 Bluff Road Mount Vernon, IN 47620 Nick 812-833-3211/812-833-3213 812-838-6613
| | 3/20/2025 |
SBM 48 | $302.00 | FOB Mt. Vernon, IN |
Soy Hulls, Pelleted | $140.00 | FOB Mt. Vernon, IN |
44 Trade Comm PO Box 31 Rich Hill, MO 64779 Randy Parsons Randy: 785-741-1520 / Office: 417-395-2497 tcingredients@outlook.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Beef Pellet 14% | $232.00 | FOB Rich Hill, MO - truckload pricing
($262/ton for 1 ton minimum) |
Corn Gluten Feed, Pelleted | $217.00 | FOB Rich Hill, MO |
Corn Syrup | $55.00 | FOB Rich Hill, MO |
DDG Pellets | $278.00 | FOB Rich Hill, MO - truckload pricing
($308/ton for 1 ton minimum) |
Distillers Grain, Dried (DDG) | $202.50 | FOB Rich Hill, MO ($192-213, pending availability) |
Distillers Grain, Wet | $91.00 | FOB Rich Hill, MO |
Ground Corn | $195.00 | FOB Rich Hill, MO |
Ground Corn Cob | call | FOB Rich Hill, MO |
Hominy | call | FOB Rich Hill, MO |
Peanut Hull Pellets | $197.00 | FOB Rich Hill, MO |
Peanut Hulls, Ground | $112.00 | FOB Rich Hill, MO |
Soy Hulls, Ground | $149.00 | FOB Rich Hill, MO (pending availability) |
Soy Hulls, Pelleted | $140.00 | FOB Rich Hill, MO (pending availability) |
Wet Gluten | $62.00 | FOB Rich Hill, MO |
49 Grain Millers, Inc Cabriole Center - Suite 400 9531 West 78th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 David Shimota Office: 800-328-5188 Ext. 321 Cell: 612-309-2916 David.Shimota@grainmillers.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Oat Feed, Pelleted | $150.00 | FOB Eugene OR St. Ansgar IA |
Oat Flour | $440.00 | FOB St Ansgar IA bulk and totes |
Oat Meal, Feeding | $455.00 | FOB Springfield MO |
Oat Mill Run, Ground | $100.00 | FOB St Ansgar IA |
Organic Oat Flour/Flakes | $700.00 | FOB St Ansgar IA bags or totes |
54 Poet Nutrition 4506 N. Lewis Ave Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Tom (pellets); Mark (dried); Carrie (wet) Phone: (888) 327-8799 Fax: (605) 332-2266
| | 3/20/2025 |
Distillers Grain Pelleted 1/4" POET Pellets | $240.00 | FOB Mitchell, SD
(Tom Maher: 605-965-6202) |
Distillers Grain Pelleted 3/4" POET Cubes | $260.00 | FOB Mitchell, SD
(Tom Maher: 605-965-6202) |
Distillers Grain, Dried (DDG) | $160.00 | FOB Laddonia, MO
(Mark Strong: 605-965-6903) |
Distillers Grain, Dried (DDG) | $160.00 | FOB Macon, MO
(Mark Strong: 605-965-6903) |
Distillers Grain, Wet | $65.00 | FOB Laddonia, MO
(Carrie Dieters: 605-965-6933) |
Distillers Grain, Wet | $65.00 | FOB Macon, MO
(Carrie Dieters: 605-965-6933) |
86 SEMO Milling LLC Corn Dry Milled By-Products 261 River Rd Scott City, MO 63780 Adam Riley 573-264-2677 X153 ariley@semomilling.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Hominy Meal | $175.00 | FOB SEMO Port, Scott City MO; 10% avg. protein and
6% avg. fat |
87 Balance4ward/New Balance Commodities 2320 Birch Ave Nodaway, IA 50857 Carlos Munoz Cell: (402) 860-8104 / Office: (712) 785-3766 Fax: (712) 785-3699 cmunoz@balance4ward.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Corn Gluten Feed, Wet | $44.00 | FOB MO, IA, Southeast NE ($38-50) |
Corn Syrup | $60.00 | FOB MO, IA, Southeast NE |
Distillers Grain, Dried (DDG) | $175.00 | FOB MO, IA, Southeast NE ($155-195) |
Distillers Grain, Modified Wet | $80.00 | FOB MO, IA, Southeast NE ($65-95) |
Distillers Grain, Wet | $62.50 | FOB MO, IA, Southeast NE ($55-70) |
Soy Hulls, Pelleted | $117.50 | FOB MO, IA, Southeast NE ($100-135) |
119 Integrity Sales, LLC 620 West Mohawk Trail Deforest, WI 53532 Chuck Coyle 608-213-6707 integritysalesccoyle@gmail.com |
| | 9/29/2022 |
Soy Cakes (DM 80.34%,Prot 27.26%, Fat 9.74%) | out | No product currently available
*Please treat all offers subject to change and availability* |
121 Ag Fibers, LLC 1301 Ennis Rd PO Box 2133 Dothan, AL 36303 Kendall Merritt 334-699-2848/Cell 334-806-1672 kendall@agfibers.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Peanut Hull/Skin Pellet | $95.00 | FOB Dothan, AL (10% prot min, 5% fat - high fiber min) |
Peanut Hulls, Ground | out | FOB Dothan AL |
Peanut Pellet Screenings | $65.00 | FOB Dothan, AL (10% prot min, 5% fat - high fiber min) |
125 Show Me Ethanol LLC 26530 Hwy 24 East Carrollton, MO 64633 Anthony Cell: 660-542-6494 Office: 660-542-6493 aschreiner@showmeethanol.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Distillers Grain, Dried (DDG) | $170.00 | FOB Carrollton MO |
Distillers Grain, Modified Wet | $90.00 | FOB Carrollton MO |
128 Cereal Byproducts Company 714 Spirit 40 Park Dr. Suite 140 Chesterfield, MO 63005 Eric Spann Cell: 314-488-7555 / Office: 314-781-9600 314-781-9601 ems@cercogroup.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Cereal Fines | call | (2,000 lb. totes) FOB Chicago, IL |
Dical 18.5% | call | FOB Omaha, NE |
Rice Bran | $140.00 | (Bulk) FOB Arkansas |
129 Liebe Trucking Feed & Grain LLC 2615 11th St. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Gary Liebe 319-298-4619 gary@liebetrucking.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Oat Fibers | call | FOB Cedar Rapids IA |
Whole Oat Hulls | call | FOB Cedar Rapids IA |
132 Nutra Blend (Purina Animal Nutrition) 12200 N Ambassador Dr Suite 225 Kansas City, MO 64163-1244 Rodney Mollus 888-669-6055 REMollus@nutrablend.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Distillers Grain, Dried (DDG) | $165.00 | FOB MO |
Salt, bulk | $37.00 | FOB KS |
Soy Hulls | $115.00 | FOB Kansas City, MO |
Soy Hulls, Pelleted | $125.00 | FOB Kansas City, MO |
133 311 Commodities P.O. Box 728 Richland, MO 65556 Randy Nelson: 417-594-2441 Website: www.311commodities.com Randy@311commodities.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Corn Gluten Feed, Pelleted | $170.00 | FOB MO |
Corn Syrup | $25.00 | FOB MO |
Distillers Grain, Dried (DDG) | $150.00 | FOB MO |
Distillers Grain, Wet | $50.00 | FOB MO |
Hominy | $155.00 | FOB MO |
Peanut Hulls, Ground | $20.00 | FOB MO |
Rice Hulls, Ground | $15.00 | FOB MO |
Soy Hulls, Pelleted | $140.00 | FOB MO |
134 Pipeline Foods 1250 E Moore Lake Dr. Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55432 763-999-7667
| | 4/1/2021 |
Hominy | $170.00 | FOB Cresco, IA |
135 Mine Creek Feed, LLC 21507 E. 931 Circle Pleasanton, KS 66075 Dan Hecke / Conner Hecke 913-352-6365 / 913-219-2314 MineCreekFeed.com minecreekfeed@gmail.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Cattle Pellets (15% protein 3% fat - Gold) | $300.00 | FOB Pleasanton, KS |
Cattle Pellets (9% protein 1% fat - Bronze) | call | FOB Pleasanton, KS |
Cattle Pellets (12% protein & with Cattle Active) | $264.00 | FOB Pleasanton, KS |
Cattle Pellets (14% protein & Calf Creep) | call | FOB Pleasanton, KS |
Cattle Pellets (23% protein) | call | FOB Pleasanton, KS |
Sheep and Goat Pellets (14% protein, 1/4 inch pellet) | call | FOB Pleasanton, KS |
136 Key Ingredients, Inc. (Soy Hulls) 1115 Vicksburg Lane N. - Ste. 19 Plymouth, MN 554447 Brian Becker 763-476-5957 / 563-554-4436 cell Brian@keyingredients.us |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Soy Hulls | $110.00 | FOB IA |
Soy Hulls | $115.00 | FOB IN |
Soy Hulls | $110.00 | FOB MO |
Soy Hulls | $155.00 | FOB WI |
137 LaBudde Group W63 N583 Hanover Ave Cedarburg, WI 53012 John Hellinga 712-463-2220 jhellinga@labudde.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Corn Gluten Feed, Pelleted | out | FOB Chicago, IL |
Corn Screenings | out | FOB Fort Smith, AR |
Distillers Grain, Dried (DDG) | out | FOB Fort Smith, AR |
Soy Hulls, Pelleted | out | FOB Fort Smith, AR |
138 The Wake Group 4833 County Road 1540 West Plains, MO 65775 Chris Wake 417-855-9363 sales@twglobalgroup.com |
| | 10/10/2024 |
34% Protein 14% Fat Milk Powder | $1,900.00 | $0.93/lb. - FOB MO |
Fish Meal | $1,450.00 | FOB West Plains, MO |
Hi Pro DDG | $285.00 | 42% Protein - FOB MO |
Lysine | $1,700.00 | $0.80/lb. - FOB Chicago, IL |
Palm Fat | $1,700.00 | $0.77/lb. - FOB Chicago, IL |
139 MBP Solutions 200 Southdale Center Edina, MN 55402 William Benton 651-332-1801 wbe@mbpsolutions.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Almond Meal | call | FOB Sioux City, IA |
Camelina Meal | call | FOB Sioux City, IA |
Mixed Vegetable Oil | call | FOB Sioux City, IA |
Oat Fibers | $10.00 | FOB Millville, NJ |
Soybean Oil, Crude | call | FOB Keokuk, IA |
Walnut Meal | call | FOB Sioux City, IA |
140 Jaco Commodities 4695 US-75 Maurice, IA 51036 Marc Holthus Cell: 712-449-5818 Office: 712-567-3341 ext. 2 marc@jacocommodities.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Alfalfa Pellets | call | 17%, 1/4-inch
-bulk, totes, or 50lb. bags
-Non-GMO also available |
Calcium Propionate | call | FOB Orange City, IA - 25 KG bags |
141 NutraAg, LLC 12747 Market Rd Versailles, MO 65084 Nick Mertz 314-520-5875 (cell), 573-378-2800 (office) nick@nutraag.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
14% Beef Performer Pellet w/ VTM | $228.00 | FOB Versailles, MO - 24 ton minimum |
Distillers Grain Pelleted - 5/32" Pellet | $230.00 | FOB Versailles, MO - 24 ton minimum |
142 Commodity Specialists Co. 12982 Maurer Industrial Dr., ste D St. Louis, MO 63127 Jason Smith Office: 314-626-4583 Cell: 417-353-0405 jsmith@cscco.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Corn Gluten Feed, Pelleted | $185.00 | FOB MO |
Hominy | $130.00 | FOB MO |
Oro Brewers Grain | $45.00 | St. Louis, MO - only available on a delivered basis and price varies on delivery location. |
Pressed Brewers Grain | $65.00 | St. Louis, MO - only available on a delivered basis and price varies on delivery location. |
Soy Hulls, Pelleted | $150.00 | FOB MO |
143 Midwest Express & Hay Grinding 10060 E 350th St Colchester, IL 62326 Jami Hocker 217-430-9337 midwestexpressil@gmail.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Distillers Grain, Modified Wet | call | delivered rates to IL, IA, and Northeast MO ONLY
Salvage Gluten | call | delivered rates to IL, IA, and Northeast MO ONLY |
144 Bulk Commodities 1630 South 225 East Danville, IN 46122 Jason Searcy 317-557-9790 jason@bulkcommoditiesinc.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
Granulated Salt | $40.00 | *end of season close out - 2 loads left*
FOB Danville, IN - 50 lb. bags at $1.00/bag
(skids contain 49 bags) |
145 KoTon, LLC 2102 Lubbock Rd. Brownfield, TX 79316 Tanner Skains: 806-801-2256 / 806-891-4975 Website: kotonfeeds.com tskains.koton@gmail.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
1/4" All Stock Pellet | $460.00 | FOB Brownfield, TX
(extruded/expelled cottonseed - 24% protein, 6.5% fat) |
3/4" KT Cattle Cube | $460.00 | FOB Brownfield, TX
(extruded/expelled cottonseed - 24% protein, 6.5% fat) |
Crude Cottonseed Oil, extruded/expelled | $796.00 | FOB Brownfield, TX ($0.398/lb.) |
146 Gateway FS, INC 23860 Bourbon Road Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670 Jack Davis Office: (573) 883-3552 Cell: (573) 330-2928 jacdavis@gatewayfs.com |
| | 3/20/2025 |
14% Cattle Commodity Feed | $220.00 | FOB Ste. Genevieve, MO |
Calcium Carbonate, Feed Grade | $57.50 | FOB Ste. Genevieve, MO ($55-60) |
Corn Gluten Feed, Modified Wet | call | FOB IL Plants |
Corn Gluten Feed, Pelleted | call | FOB IL Plants |
Cottonseed, Whole | call | FOB SE MO |
Distillers Grain, Dried (DDG) | call | FOB STL |
Distillers Grain, Modified Wet | call | FOB IL/MO Plants |
Distillers Grain, Wet | call | FOB STL |
Pasta Byproduct | call | FOB MO |
Rolled Corn | $191.00 | FOB Ste. Genevieve, MO |
Soy Hulls, Pelleted | out | FOB IL Plants |
Soybean Meal | out | FOB various plants |
Wheat Midds, Loose | out | FOB STL |
Wheat Midds, Pelleted | out | FOB STL |
This bulletin is produced by the faculty and staff from the University of Missouri Division of Animal Sciences
and Commercial Agriculture Program.
Prices of feeds are as of the day quoted and are subject to change. When contacting companies inquire
as to availability, minimum size loads, and method of payment.
DISCLAIMER: The University of Missouri and University of Missouri Extension are not responsible
for quality, availability or changes in prices of feedstuffs listed.
For additional information contact:
Joe Horner
Dairy Extension
MU Extension Commercial Agriculture
223 B Mumford Hall
University of Missouri
Marcia Carlson Shannon
Ag Ext-Animal Science
S133d Animal Sciences Center
University of Missouri
For more information about this page, please contact:
Joe Horner or Marcia Carlson Shannon
For more practical dairy-related information, the
Missouri Dairymen’s Resource Guide provides resources relating to a variety of dairy topics.
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