Green Horizons is published quarterly by the University of Missouri
Center for Agroforestry and the College of Agriculture, Food and
Natural Resources.
All submitted material is subject to editing for style and length.
Green Horizons Editorial Board
- Hank Stelzer, Co-Editor, Green Horizons,
MU Forestry Extension
(573) 882-4444
Laura Orozco, Co-Editor, Green Horizons,
MU Center for Agroforestry
(573) 882-9866
Shibu Jose, Director,
MU Center for Agroforestry
(573) 882-0240
Shelby Jones, President, Missouri
Consulting Foresters Association
(573) 635-4598
Brian Schweiss, MDC Private Land
Forestry Programs
(573) 522-4115, ext. 3118
Clell Solomon, Missouri Christmas Tree
Producers Association
(660) 273-2368
Rick Merritt, Chair
Missouri Tree Farm Committee
(573) 324-3366
Dennis Potter, Chair
Missouri Walnut Council
(573) 808-0837
We welcome your thoughts!
Send story ideas, address changes, and subscription requests for Green Horizons to:
Michael Gold
Green Horizons
University of Missouri
Center for Agroforestry
203 ABNR
Columbia, MO 65211
Email: goldm@missouri.edu
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