Green Horizons Newsletter - AgEBB

Green Horizons

Volume 9, Number 3
Summer 2005

Riparian Buffer Field Day: Managing Riparian Forests and Riparian Buffers

When: Oct. 27, 2005
Where: MU Horticulture & Agroforestry Research Center, New Franklin, Mo.
For Who: Resource professionals and landowners who work in (or have) streamside forests
Cost: FREE
The University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry and its collaborative researchers are hosting this field day to detail current research on riparian buffers and their application on the land. Topics include methods of holding and outplanting trees and shrubs in the fall, planting configurations on the landscape, species selection, riparian buffer function and design, and wildlife management. Registration information available soon at; or contact Julie Rhoads at (573) 882-3234 or email

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