July 25-28, 2004: Walnut Council Annual Meeting and 6th Walnut Research Symposium, Purdue University, Holiday Inn Select - City Centre, Lafayette, Ind. Meeting includes sessions on genetic diversification, timber improvement, nut production and agroforestry, propagation and use of hardwoods in riparian buffers. Visit www.walnutcouncil.org for more information.
Aug 12-22, 2004: Missouri State Fair, Sedalia, Mo. Visit www.mostatefair.com for directions, schedule and admission information.
Aug. 15-18, 2004: Northern Nut Growers Assn. and North American Fruit Explorers (NNGA and NAFEX) Joint Meeting, Ramada Inn, Columbia, Mo. This meeting includes technical sessions and workshops; research center and farm tours; and guest speaker Dr. Chiranjit Parmar from the Himalayan Mountain region. For more information, visit www.nafex.org; or contact Jerry Lehman at (812) 298- 8733.
Sept 13-15, 2004: 10th Annual Women in Agriculture Conference, St. Louis, Mo. Organized by Missouri's Soil and Water Conservation Districts, workshops will cover agricultural initiatives including alternative agriculture and sustainable farming, as well as health and legal issues for women. Registration is $75. For hotel rates or more information, call (314) 453-9555, ext.3.
Oct. 14, 2004: Riparian Buffer Workshop, Horticulture and Agroforestry Research Center (HARC) New Franklin, Mo. Contact Julie Rhoads to register, or for more information, at (573) 882-3234 or rhoadsj@missouri.edu
Oct 16, 2004: Second Annual Missouri Chestnut Roast, Horticulture and Agroforestry Research Center, New Franklin, Mo. Free admission; event open 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visit www.centerforagroforestry.org for more information.
Nov. 5-6, 2004: Central Region Woodland Conference, National Arbor Foundation's Lied Conference Center in Nebraska City, Neb.. A variety of talks by field practitioners will assist the woodland owner in managing his or her property. Early registration fee is $35 if paid before October 29, 2004; late fee is $40. For more information, contact Hank Stelzer at 573-882-4444 or Julie Rhoads at 573-882-3234.
December 3-4, 2004: UMCA Specialty Mushroom Production and Marketing Workshop, Ramada Inn, Columbia, Mo., and Horticulture and Agroforestry Research Center, New Franklin, Mo. Registration is $59. For more information, contact Julie Rhoads at (573) 882-3234, or email at rhoadsj@missouri.edu.