Missouri Tree Farm Conference:
The 24th annual Missouri Tree
Farm Conference will be held Feb.
27-28, 2004, at the Country Club
Hotel, Lake Ozark, Mo. Landowners
will have the opportunity to gain
new skills to manage their woodlands
using good stewardship principles.
For hearty souls wanting to
get out in the woods, we will spend
Friday afternoon talking about
reducing non-point source water
pollution resulting from forest management
activities and demonstrating
techniques to reduce the
impact on water resources. Friday
evening will allow landowners to
talk one-on-one with professional
foresters. Saturday will feature general
sessions on Missouri’s Forest
Land Enhancement Program and
what makes a tree a veneer tree.
Concurrent sessions will highlight
basic tree identification; preparing
forest management plans; improving
forests for timber and wildlife;
establishing forests; marketing timber
and a wildlife health update.
Cost for the conference is $45 for
individuals and $80 for couples. If
not pre-registered, there will be an
additional fee of $10 for walk-in
registrations, and lunch cannot be
guaranteed. For more information,
or to register by phone, contact
Glenda Fry at the Missouri Forest
Products Association at (573)
634-3252. You may also register online
at www.moforest.org.
Tri-State Forest Stewardship Conference: The Tri-State Forest Stewardship Conference will be Sat., March 27, 2004, at the Grand Theater in downtown Keokuk, Iowa. The conference will feature multiple workshops presented by experts from Illinois, Iowa and Missouri. Topics to be presented include tree identification; nuisance wildlife; forest health update; thinning walnut plantations; pruning forest trees and control of woodland invasives. Cost for the conference is $35 before March 16; and $40 after that date. Registration is required. Brochures can be obtained from Hank Stelzer, Extension Forester, at (573) 882-4444; or email stelzerh@missouri.edu.