Green Horizons

Volume 7, Number 4
Summer 2003

Walnut tree shows importance of Timber Stand Improvement
Scott Brundage
Consulting Forester

In February, I sold 86 black walnut trees which had an estimated Doyle Log Scale volume of 23,000 board feet. The tree or log grade quality was measured and estimated as follows:

A Grade Veneer - 5, 194 bd ft
B Grade Veneer - 3,606 bd ft
C Grade Veneer - 485 bd ft
Lumber Grade - 14,015 bd ft

The best tree in the sale was 32 inches d.b.h., and 27 to 28 feet in clean veneer logs, plus a 12-foot lumber log in the top. Based on fair prices for top quality logs, this tree brought approximately $6,780. Sealed bids for the marked trees were: $26,414, $28,435, $28,500, $30,112, $30,880, $37,500 and $41,551. Forest management pays. This is why we want you to do Timber Stand Improvement (TSI), pruning, vine control, etc. Please call a professional forester before your next timber sale.

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