Green Horizons

Volume 6, Number 3
Winter 2001

Home-brewed deer repellent proves effective

An effective deer repellent spray was reported by Dr. Larry Severeid, host of the national meeting of the Walnut Council in LaCrosse, Wis. this summer. The concoction has both an offensive taste and smell and appears to stay in place for an extended period.

During the growing season it needs to be applied to the unsprayed new growth, and after extensive rainfallit should be reapplied. It is effective for controlling spring, summer and fall deer browsing damage.

The recipe calls for: 2 dozen large eggs, beaten in a blender, and mixed with 2 or 3 parts water. Add 2 to 3 ounces (1/3 cup) of Hinder (repellent) and 4-5 ounces (1/2 to 2/3 cup) of Durapel or Deer Guard (Bitrex). Severeid also adds some laundry soap or commercial surfactant.

He applies the solution with a back-pack sprayer that is used only for non-herbicide purposes. It is better to apply in the morning, when temperatures are lower, than in the evening.

For winter bud damage protection, Severeid uses only Bitrex applied to the terminal buds with a paint brush - as this is the only part of the tree that needs protection at that time. As soon as the buds break in the spring, the first solution should be used, since food is scarce at this time and the most damage occurs.

If you try this method, Severeid would appreciate hearing of your experiences by e-mailing him at:


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