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designed to solicit your input on the current content of Green Horizons and to
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Please complete this survey, fold it over so that the address on page 6 is on the outside.
Please indicate your interest in the following subjects by ranking them 1, 2 or 3, where 1 = very interested, 2 = somewhat interested, and 3 = little or no interest. Please circle the number that best describes your interest.
1 2 3 1. How to sell culled timber for the highest price. 1 2 3 2. Designing a profitable agroforestry practice. 1 2 3 3. Pruning walnut trees for best growth. 1 2 3 4. How the Tree Farmer of the Year manages his or her forest. 1 2 3 5. Markets in Missouri for exotic native tree species such as osage orange, persimmon or basswood. 1 2 3 6. How and when to fertilize your tree plantings. 1 2 3 7. The Bid Sheet: Quotations of prices. received from actual timber sales. 1 2 3 8. How much is this timberland worth? Readers make an estimate and check it with a professional appraisal. 1 2 3 9. Growing shrubs and bushes for the floral market in agroforestry practices. 1 2 3 10. Getting the next generation interested in the tree farm. 1 2 3 11. How to build hiking trails on your private forest land. 1 2 3 12. Managing a small woodlot for best bird-watching. 1 2 3 13. Bring the classroom to the forest: how to work with local schools and teachers. 1 2 3 14. What is old growth and how can we keep it? 1 2 3 15. Meet your local forester: Profiles of Missouri's professionals foresters and how they work with landowners. 1 2 3 16. How we capitalize on bird-watchers. Landowners charge for self-guided forest tours for local bird-watchers. 1 2 3 17. Lease-hunting: A bonus crop from the woods. 1 2 3 18. Cattle in the woods: good or bad? 1 2 3 19. Agroforestry practices for small farms 1 2 3 20. How a Missouri landowner makes $500 an acre from 5 acres of black walnut. 1 2 3 21. Planting trees with high survivability and fast growth rates. 1 2 3 22. How a tree farmer prunes his trees from the top down! 1 2 3 23. The 5 most helpful tools for use in the forest. 1 2 3 24. How to build a solar drying kiln. 1 2 3 25. Where to get professional help with your timber sale - a list of Missouri's consulting foresters. 1 2 3 26. How much does timber stand improvement (TSI) cost and what is it worth? 1 2 3 27. Harvesting ornamental and medicinal plants from your forest. 1 2 3 28. Tax law changes for forest owners. 1 2 3 29. Analyzing government cost-share programs for forestry. 1 2 3 30. How to increase nut production from my trees. 1 2 3 31. How much does it cost to cut a tree - a look at the cost of getting a log from the landowner to the mill and the price differentials. 1 2 3 32. Six steps to prepare and use a forest management plan. 1 2 3 33. When is the optimum age to harvest my trees? 1 2 3 34. How to use forestry tree and log measuring tools. 1 2 3 35. How to determine your site index for predicting tree growth. 1 2 3 36. A look at how Missouri uses its timber resources - Missouri's forest products. 1 2 3 37. Characteristics of Missouri's most important trees. 1 2 3 38. Is there a place for clear-cutting in Missouri forest management? 1 2 3 39. How do I manage my forest for best use by wildlife? 1 2 3 40. Eight steps to a successful timber sale. 1 2 3 41. The future market for real Christmas trees. Other topics you would find interesting: ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________