AgEBB-MU CAFNR Extension
Green Horizons
Volume 25, Number 2
Spring 2021
The White Oak Initiative
Hank Stelzer, MU Extension
The White Oak Initiative works to ensure the long-term sustainability of America's white oak and the economic, social and conservation benefits derived from white oak dominated forests. While currently white oak growing stocks are sufficient to meet demand, forest monitoring, and long-term projections indicate problems in maintaining high-quality white oak regeneration.

White oak is critical to many wildlife species, and to industries making forest products such as furniture, flooring, cabinetry, barrels for wine and spirits, as well as for recreational activities like hunting which generates billions of dollars to local economies throughout the white oak region.
The White Oak Initiative is composed of white oak dependent or interested industries, trade associations, conservation organizations, agencies, universities, and non-profits working to ensure the long-term sustainability of America's white oak and contributing to the conservation of white oak and white oakdominated forests.
Meeting the Challenge
Without action, our white oak forests will disappear within a generation with significant impacts on wildlife, forest ecosystems and timber supplies. Research shows that while the existing white oak stocks are sufficient for the near future demand (10-20 years), there are clear indications of long-term sustainability problems (Figure 1).

White oak faces many challenges, namely:
- Lack of active forest management, leading to overcrowded, low-quality stands that prevent oak seedlings form growing into quality trees.
- Widespread invasive species and diseases.
- Changing climate conditions affecting oak growth and regeneration.
- Marginalization and fragmentation of forest land.
- Lack of recognition of long-term threats to oak
How the Initiative Works forests.
Over the years, many individuals, businesses, and organizations have been worked to support white oak. The vision of the Initiative is to take this fragmented support to the next level through a coordinated and large-scale response across multiple states, interests and industries, a truly comprehensive effort to ensure the long-term sustainability of the species. To date, the Initiative is comprised of private landowners, universities, state and federal agencies, conservation organizations, trade associations, and forest industries including wine/spirits, flooring, cooperage, and timber.
The White Oak Initiative is designed to actively create and champion activities to conserve our white oak forests throughout the white oak range. Initiative actions include:
- Supporting research on oak health, population, age, genetic diversity, and economic and job impact.
- Technical assistance for both private and public landowners to encourage the growth of white oak.
- On the ground implementation strategies to engage and support family forest owners and assistance to public land foresters.
- A communication strategy to educate landowners, the public and others about the issues and opportunities.
- Policy solutions to support state and federal programs supporting white oak sustainability.
The initiative is supported by two coordinated USFS landscape scale restoration (LSR) grants and significant private and state financial contributions. Staff from the American Forest Foundation and the University of Kentucky are directly advancing the work of the White Oak Initiative.
For more information or to get involved, please contact Melissa Moeller, White Oak Initiative Director at and visit the Initiative's website at