AgEBB-MU CAFNR Extension
Green Horizons
Volume 25, Number 2
Spring 2021
Conservation Program Updates from the USDA NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service) and FSA (Farm Service Agency)
Joe Alley , NRCS State Forester
Conservation Reserve Program - Forest Management Incentive (CRP FMI) Earlier this year, the Farm Service Agency announced a new opportunity for Conservation Reserve Program participants. Established by the 2018 Farm Bill, the Forest Management Incentive (FMI) provides funding for implementing specific activities that will improve forest health, promote forest management, and enhance wildlife habitat on existing CRP tree acres. There are $12 million dollars available for FMI nationwide. Eligible CRP practices that are common to Missouri include CP3 (Pine Establishment), CP3A (Hardwood Establishment), CP4D (Permanent Wildlife Habitat - generally a shrub practice), CP11 (re-enrolled tree planting), CP22 (Riparian Forest Buffer), and CP31 (Bottomland Hardwood Restoration). Owners of eligible CRP practices must apply for FMI through their local FSA office. A Forester or other qualified conservation planner will evaluate offered fields to determine if the proposed activities are needed and applicable. Following is a list of approved activities and their associated payment rates.

Note that it is the CRP owner's responsibility to maintain "undesirable vegetation" that poses a threat to the planned cover in an CRP practice. Undesirable vegetation has been determined to include both native and non-native invaders. This means that vegetation (trees) planned for treatment through FMI must be part of the original planned and approved cover (the trees that were originally established for CRP enrollment).
Being Climate Smart with CRP
USDA announced in April that a new CRP enrollment will be opened soon with a more targeted focus on the program's role in climate change. At the time of this writing, the application period has not been determined.
Some highlights of upcoming changes include:
- Adjusting soil rental rates
- Increasing payments for Practice Incentives
- Increasing payments for water quality practices
- Establishing a CRP Grassland minimum rental rate
- Moving State Acres for wildlife Enhancement (SAFE) practices to Continuous signup
- Establishing national grassland priority zones
- Making Highly Erodible Land Initiative (HELI) practices available in both the general and continuous signups
Follow this link for additional information or reach out to your local FSA office.