AgEBB-MU CAFNR Extension

Green Horizons

Volume 20, Number 1
January 2016

The Bid Box
By Hank Stelzer, MU Forestry Extension

55 acres
588 mixed hardwoods

Doyle tree scale
used, 93,500 bd.ft.
50,800 bd. ft. white oak,
23,600 bd. ft. red oak
12,500 bd. ft. black oak
3,800 bd. ft. walnut
2,800 bd. ft. other mixed hardwood species

Forester valued sale: $25,300
5 bids:
Landowner took high bid
Return: $574/acre

83 walnut trees scattered through approximately 35 acres along creek banks
Doyle tree scale used, 20,000 bd. ft.
14,000 bd. ft. grade lumber
2,000 bd. ft. three sides clear
4,000 bd. ft. veneer

Forester valued sale: $35,000
9 bids:
6 ranged from $32,580- $36,890
Landowner took high bid
Return: $1,174/acre

In the Chariton County walnut sale, the forester selected trees with the intent to harvest additional trees in 5 to 10 years. This shorter re-entry interval is possible because of the extremely fertile creek bottoms where these walnut trees are growing enhancing good tree growth. He marked mature trees greater than 24 inches; any tree that was getting undercut by the creek and risked falling; any tree with defects prohibiting an increase in value in spite of increasing volume; and any lower quality trees that could be removed to reduce competition for the better quality trees being left to grow.

There are still a good number of 16- to 22-inch DBH walnuts left. Had they been harvested now, they would only yield lumber-grade prices. By allowing them to grow, many of these trees will command the higher veneer prices in the next sale.

If you are thinking about selling your timber, contact your professional forester now! Not only will they help you get the highest price for the trees in your woodlots that need to be harvested, but they can help ensure future harvests are profitable, too! To help you become familiar with some of the aspects of selling timber, check out the following MU Guides:

These Guides will help you better understand the ins and outs of marketing your timber and help you help your professional forester!

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