Green Horizons

Volume 19, Number 2
Spring 2015

Forest management assistance from the Natural Resources Conservation Service

By NATE GOODRICH | NRCS, Mo. State Forester

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides conservation technical assistance to land users to address opportunities, concerns, and problems related to the use of the natural resources and to help landowners make sound natural resource management decisions.

The assistance can help landowners develop conservation plans to improve forest health and wildlife habitat, enhance recreational opportunities, protect and improve water quality and quantity, and explore opportunities to diversify agricultural operations. Farm Bill programs are available to landowners to provide financial assistance to implement their conservation plan or forest management plan. Funds are also available to landowners for the development of a forest management plan which will serve as the road map for addressing resource concerns on their forest land in the future.

Missouri NRCS currently has four forestry specialists that provide technical assistance to woodland owners, but the assistance is limited due to the number of counties that each covers. These foresters also provide technical assistance to Farm Bill participants including design, installation, and approval of forest and wildlife-related conservation practices.

To find out about forest management technical assistance or Farm Bill financial assistance for completing forest management activities on your property, visit the Missouri NRCS website and click the "Contact Us" link to find your local USDA Service Center:

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