Green Horizons

Volume 19, Number 1
Winter 2015

Editorial Board

Mike Gold, Research
Prof., co-editor

MU Center for Agroforestry
Gene Garrett, Emeritus Professor, co-editor
MU Center for Agroforestry
Savannah Kannberg,

MU Center for Agroforestry
Joe Alley, Resource Conservationist,
Scott Brundage, Consulting Forester Eugene L. Bank, MDC Retiree
Donna Coble, Executive Director
Forest ReLeaf of Missouri
Lynn Barnickol, Executive Director,
Missouri Consulting Foresters Association
Shibu Jose, Professor, Director,
MU Center for Agroforestry
Rebecca Landewe, Current River Project Manager,
The Nature Conservancy-Missouri
Rick Merritt, chair,
Missouri Tree Farm Committee
Dennis Potter, chair,
Missouri Walnut Council
Brian Schweiss,
MDC Private Land Forestry Programs
Clell Solomon,
Mo. Christmas Tree Producers Association
Hank Stelzer, Professor
MU Forestry Extension
Robert Stout,
Mo. Department of Natural Resources
Kim Young, Vice President/General Manager
Forrest Keeling Nursery
Bob Ball, Woodland Landowner


Editorial Contributors

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