Green Horizons

Volume 18, Number 1
Winter 2014

Crossword fun for tree lovers

Some of these answers have two words. Be sure to leave a blank spot between them.

Tree Crossword Puzzle
Crossword Hints

When I took a course in plant anatomy as a graduate student, I had a very interesting professor. For our final exam, I happened to be sitting on the other side of the room from where he started passing out the exams. As he made his way across the room, I heard many gasps from students as they got their first glimpse of the exam. When he got to me, I saw why. It was a crossword puzzle. The test was not easy, you had to know your terminology. In a way, it was fun.

I have come up with a puzzle to test your knowledge on the trees of Missouri. Some hints are easy. Others may take a bit of research. Hopefully you will learn a few things. Answers will be in the next issue of Green Horizons.

Crossword by TIM BAKER

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