Green HorizonsVolume 16, Number 4Fall 2012 ![]()
Since its inception, Green Horizons has been a free newsletter thanks in large part to a generous grant from the Missouri Department of Conservation and financial contributions from the Missouri Tree Farm Committee, Missouri Consulting Foresters Association, the Missouri Walnut Council, the Missouri Nut Growers Association, and Missouri Christmas Tree Producers Association. However, over the years, rising printing and mailing costs have eroded this support to the point where we are covering only 75 percent of our costs (and this does not count staff time writing articles and layout). In order to put our financial affairs in order, we will be instituting the following changes beginning January 2013: Green Horizons will be published three times per year: January, May, and September. This single step will bring our income in-line with our expenses. It will also allow us to present you with information more in sync with typical management activities (e.g. planting articles in January, weed control information in May, and timber stand improvement guidelines in September). Actively encourage our readers to get GH electronically. In every issue published in 2013, we will prominently solicit our snail mail readers to provide us with their email address, so we can send them PDF copies of future issues. All email addresses are stored on secured servers. To receive GH via email, contact Hank at We will do our dead level best to keep each issue at our current 12-page, ad-free format. We hope you understand.