Green HorizonsVolume 16, Number 2Spring 2012
Today and Tomorrow Bob Ball, Forest and Woodland Association of Missouri Does the future of our trees, woods and forests concern you? Several major issues that will affect Missouri’s woods are looming on the horizon. Do you want a voice in these discussions? Consider the following questions and statements surrounding the issues facing your forests and woodlands: Clean Water - Are you concerned about how to manage your woods and still maintain water quality? Woodedlands produce clean, quality drinking water. Incentives are available to help you manage your woods to protect water quality. Bioenergy - Can woody biomass be sustainably harvested from my woodlands? FWAM members will learn more about bioenergy and receive updates on new developments. Carbon Credits - What are carbon credits? How can I get them? Is it worth my time and effort to pursue this source of income? Do these credits limit the management options for my property? These are just a few of the questions FWAM is monitoring to keep its members informed. Tree Health - Are you aware of Thousand Canker Disease attacking black walnut and the threat the Emerald Ash Borer poses to ash trees in our communities? While our native trees have adapted to native pests, unfortunately these and other exotic, non-native pests are on the rise. FWAM will help keep you abreast of any late-breaking news through the bi-weekly Canopy newsletter. Forest Management - Do you find it alarming that 90 percent of our privately owned woodlands receive no management advice from a professional forester? Are you aware of financial assistance programs available from USDA, Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the Missouri Department of Conservation? FWAM can be your link to the latest opportunity. Invasive Species - Have you noticed bush honeysuckle, Callery ‘Bradford’ Pear, autumn-olive, and ailanthus (treeof-heaven) encroaching in even well-managed woodlands? FWAM members receive updates on how to manage invasive plants. Timber Harvests - Are you thinking of selling timber? Are you looking for information on conducting a timber sale that will preserve what is important to you? Do you know that a number of loggers have invested in classes to improve their professionalism and stewardship in the woods? FWAM members are informed of how to contact Master Loggers and professionally trained loggers. Education - Do you need information about your trees? Would you like to know what others have done on their properties to care for their trees? Do you need information for students? Are you interested in seeing more interaction between children and trees and appreciating the value of trees to our environment? FWAM supports the efforts of state and federal agencies and MU Extension in their outreach and education efforts. With your support the Forest and Woodland Association of Missouri will provide timely information to our members on forestry related issues and opportunities in person, via email, newsletters, and on our website. In addition, we will sponsor in-the-woods field days and workshops, support the American Tree Farm System and the American Forest Foundation. The Association will also become an advocate and a voice for our forests and woodlands to organizations, agencies and legislative bodies as well as providing members with news about federal and state legislation that could impact our woodlands and ultimately your personal, family, or business income. We will inform and educate adults and children in both rural and urban areas. A portion of our time will focus on helping woodland landowners with marketing timber today and in the future. Timber has an economic VALUE. Following proper management and marketing advice from professional foresters can grow that value at a faster rate. Ultimately our larger objective is to promote healthy, productive and sustainable forests and trees for future generations. Becoming a part of this decision making process is easy. Visit our website at: and click on the "Join Us" feature in the left margin. Either complete the membership application online or request one via email, phone or regular mail using my address at the bottom of our home page. Take a walk in the woods at the John Heckmann Tree Farm Saturday, June 2nd north of Hermann in Warren County. John is the Missouri Tree Farmer of the Year! He is also a commercial member of FWAM. Come to John’s tree farm prepared with questions. Like most Tree Farmers, John is anxious to tell you about their operations and their experiences. Look elsewhere in this issue for details about this event. You will not want to miss it!