Green Horizons
Volume 16, Number 1
Winter 2011
The Back Page
Deadlines for Newsletter Submissions
Spring Issue: March 15
Summer Issue: June 15
Fall Issue: September 15
Winter Issue: December 15
E-mail or Snail Mail?
Would you rather receive Green Horizons electronically?
E-mail us at
and we will add you to our listserv.
Be sure and send your full name and address so we
can take you off the snail mail list.
Look ‘Ma, No Staples!
In an effort to curb costs (and keep Green Horizons a
free newsletter), we have made a few changes. First,
we have eliminated the staples and gone to what is
known in the trade as ‘flat sheet’ production. By doing
so, we get around a few USPS requirements (like the
number of tabs required to secure each mail piece)
and added charges (seems as though they do not
like staples in their automated systems). We have
also switched to outside vendors; General Printing of
Columbia and AAA Mail Services of Jefferson City.
All these changes result in a savings of over $750 an
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