Green Horizons Newsletter - AgEBB

Green Horizons

Volume 15, Number 2
Spring 2011

Red Cedar Compound Shows MRSA-fighting Promise
CAFNR Communications and MU News Bureau

It’s been three years since we told you that researchers at the University of Missouri were looking at compounds in Eastern Red Cedar that may help to fight bacteria, fungi, agricultural pests and weeds, malaria, and the production of melanin.

They have been working tirelessly since, and have discovered a compound that does indeed fight bacteria - in fact, it appears to be effective against staph "superbug" MRSA.

Chung-Ho Lin, research assistant professor, The Center for Agroforestry; George Stewart, professor and department chair of Pathobiology in the College of Veterinary Medicine; and Brian Thompson, postdoctoral fellow in the Bond Life Sciences Center, identified, isolated and tested 17 bioactive compounds and have plans to analyze more compounds.

MRSA is an evolving bacterium resistant to most medications. For most people, the infection is isolated to the skin. However, it can spread to vital organs causing toxic shock syndrome and pneumonia, especially in people with weakened immune systems. The incidence of disease caused by MRSA bacteria is increasing worldwide. In 2005, more than 94,000 people developed life-threatening MRSA infections in the United States, according to a Center for Disease Control report. Nearly 19,000 people died during hospital stays related to these infections

In addition to its potential use in fighting MRSA, researchers found that some chemical compounds in the tree are able to fight and kill skin cancer cells present in mice. It also might be effective as a topical acne treatment. Stewart said the compounds are years away from commercial use, as they must go through clinical trials.

The team’s research was presented recently at the International Conference on Gram-Positive Pathogens.

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