Green Horizons Newsletter - AgEBB

Green Horizons

Volume 14, Number 3
Summer 2010

The Toolbox
Hank Stelzer, MU Forestry Extension

Just like home repairs, certain woodland jobs can be accomplished quickly and efficiently if the right tool is used. In this last installment of 'The Toolbox' let's take a look at the hatchet and squirt bottle, chainsaw and herbicides.

Hatchet and Squirt Bottle

These tools are used in combination to apply herbicides to unwanted trees and are the cheapest and most locally available tools used in forestry. Killing trees that are interfering with the growth of crop trees (crop tree release), killing invasive trees such as autumn-olive, and deadening poorly formed native trees in timber stand improvement (TSI) operations can be done using the hack-and-squirt method. These practices are commonly prescribed in forest management plans prepared by a professional forester. The hatchet is used to make slits into the wood around the tree, and the squirt bottle is used to apply the herbicide into the slit. Contact a professional forester to help you determine the type of herbicide needed and work with you on your technique.


Chainsaws are not only for use in logging or cutting firewood. They also are needed to cut downed trees for removal from wood roads, prune branches from trails and roads, and cut vines and brush where necessary. They also can be used for the application of a herbicide using the cut-stump method or for girdling trees for crop tree release or TSI operation. Use a professional forester to help determine when and how girdling should be used in lieu of or in combination with a herbicide. Typically, saws with 12- to 14-inch bars can be used for girdling and light duty. Saws with 18- to 20-inch bars are large enough for cutting up downed trees, logs and firewood. Always buy an extra chain. If you don't know how to maintain the saw and sharpen the chain, find someone locally who does and use that person. Buy a pair of chainsaw-resistant chaps, as well as eye, ear and head protection... and always, always, always use them!! A good purchase is a helmet system with ear protectors and face shield. This protective gear is often available locally at chainsaw distributors.


Herbicides are commonly used for invasive species control, and effectively and cost efficiently deadening trees in crop tree release and TSI operations. Several of the commonly used herbicides are listed in the adjacent table. Before purchasing and applying these or any herbicide, consult a professional forester.

That covers the basic tools that should be in every woodland owner's toolbox. With these tools and assistance from your professional forester, your woodlot can be a healthy and productive part of your local ecosystem. The only thing left to do is the actual work. In a future series, we will describe some of the basic operations to put these tools to use!

Forestry supply companies that mail order all of the tools mentioned in this series include:

Forestry Suppliers: or call 800-647-5368

Ben Meadows: or call 800-241-6401

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