Green Horizons Newsletter - AgEBB

Green Horizons

Volume 12, Number 4
Fall 2008

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors
Part 2: Missouri’s Optional Fence Law Counties

Hank Stelzer, MU Forestry Extension

In Part 1 of this series, we covered Missouri’s "general" fence law. As of May 2008, 18 counties have opted into the "optional county fencing statute" (Chapter 272.210 of the state’s fencing statute). These counties are Bates, Clinton, Daviess, Gentry, Grundy, Harrison, Knox, Linn, Macon, Mercer, Newton, Putnam, Schuyler, Scotland, Shelby, Sullivan, St. Clair and Worth. So, what are the basic differences between the "general" and "optional" fencing statutes?

Forced Contribution and Maintenance
If either neighboring landowner needs a division fence, the neighbor has to pay for half the cost of the "lawful fence" (different definition in optional counties) and maintain half (Missouri statute 272.235).

Lawful Fence
A lawful fence is defined basically as one equivalent to a fence of four barbed wires supported by posts not more than 12 feet apart, or 15 feet apart with one stay. If either neighbor wants a more costly fence, then he will have to build it and pay for it (Missouri statute 272.210.1).

No Right-Hand Rule
The optional county fence statutes make no mention of any right-hand rule. Each neighbor is to build and to maintain "half." Disputes are to be taken to the associate circuit court, which appoints three fence viewers to report back to the court (Missouri statute 272.240).

Actual Damages
If your livestock trespass through your portion of the division fence and it was in need of repair, then you may be liable for the actual damages (not double damages) caused to your neighbor’s crops or livestock (Missouri statute 272.230).

It is important to note that neighbors are still free to make a fencing agreement that is different from these statutory provisions. Just be sure it is in writing, signed and recorded properly (Missouri statute 272.235). If you do deviate from these statutory provisions it is best to have an attorney draw up a legal document.

More information can be found in MU Guide G810: Missouri Fencing and Boundary Laws. Do not rely upon this series or G810 for legal advice. This information is a general statement of the law. Direct your questions to an attorney to get relevant facts and act on them in your best interest.

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