Green Horizons Newsletter - AgEBB

Green Horizons

Volume 11, Number 1
Winter 2007

Our Readers’ Respond

Our article on marketing marginal timberland in the fall issue prompted Randy Herberg from Glencoe, Mo., to write, "The information about the sale, the condition of the timber, the hiring of a forester, etc. were (sic) well done and informative. But, I have one problem with the use of the money. Hank wrote, ‘… $52,595 for the farm that helped fund the new educational building.’ Was any of the money put into any cultural practices for the timber such as TSI, planting, follow-up firewood sale, etc? One of our major problems in forest management in our Missouri woodlands is the lack of investment of some of the harvest money back into the stand to help improve the stand and prepare it for a future harvest."

I could not have said it better myself, Randy. That earlier timber sale happened before my time. I can assure you that had I been on board at the time, a portion of that money would have been re-invested back into forest management activities on the farm. Even though our income was not what we expected from this last sale, every dollar is being set aside in a farm timber account that will fund the very activities you mentioned in your letter.

Thanks for bringing this important follow-through point to everyone’s attention!

Do you have a question or comment after reading a GH article? We welcome your letters and email and will respond in future GH issues as time and space permits. All we ask is that you include your name and address.

Send correspondence to:

Green Horizons
Attn: Editor
University of Missouri
203 ABNR
Columbia, Mo. 65211
Or email Hank Stelzer at

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