Green Horizons Newsletter - AgEBB

Green Horizons

Volume 11, Number 1
Winter 2007

We Goofed!

Lebold’s Tree Farm
Charlie and Ellen Lebold’s Tree Farm, northwest Missouri, is a good demonstration of the importance of selecting the right location for seedlings. The tree on the right is from a non-Missouri source and was planted as a seedling in 1990. The two trees on the left are from local seed collected on the Leobold Farm and sown in 1992.

Our article, "Now is the Time to Order Your Forest Tree Seedlings," contained an error. The seedling on the right in the picture was planted in 1990; not 1992, as stated in the text. The nuts that produced the two trees on the left, however, were in fact sown in 1992. The bigger, healthier- looking, younger trees from seed collected on the farm should really drive home the point of local vs. far-away sources for seed/seedlings.

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