Green Horizons Newsletter - AgEBB

Green Horizons

Volume 10, Number 4
Fall 2006

NRCS Announces Sign-Up Deadlines for Three Programs
By Bob Ball, NRCS State Resource Conservationist

Sign-ups for three Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) incentive programs are currently underway. Missouri landowners interested in participating in the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) or the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP) should apply by November 17 to be eligible for the next round of funding. Applications for participating in the Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) should be submitted by December 1.

EQIP promotes agricultural production and environmental quality by helping farmers and ranchers install structural conservation practices and to implement management systems that promote conservation.

WHIP enhances habitat on eligible land for upland and wetland wildlife, threatened and endangered species, and other types of wildlife identi. ed as rare or declining species. Many types of land, including grassland, woodland, wetlands, stream and riparian areas, agricultural land and non-agricultural land may be eligible for WHIP funds. In both EQIP and WHIP, the landowner can receive both . nancial and technical assistance to help implement quali. ed practices.

WRP offers landowners the opportunity to protect, restore and enhance wetlands on their properties. In addition to receiving technical and . nancial support to help with their wetland restoration efforts, landowners also receive cash payments in exchange for agreeing to maintain the new or restored wetlands.

To sign up for or get more information about these and other NRCS programs, contact the NRCS of. ce serving your county. Look in the phone book under "U.S. Government, Department of Agriculture," or access this website: You can also get information about NRCS programs online at

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